ibapi is a command for adding, reading, updating and deleting basic DNS records as well as for managing other Infoblox-specific objects via the Infoblox WAPI. Currently supported object types are the DNS records A, Alias, CNAME, MX, TXT and PTR; the Infoblox-specific object types authzone, fixedaddress, grid and host; and the special type "url", which allows you to manipulate any type of Infoblox object. Basic usage is as follows:
- ibapi OBJECT OPERATION <args>
where OBJECT is one of
- a alias authzone cname fixedaddress grid host mx txt ptr url
and OPERATION, for all but the "grid" object, is one of
- add get update delete
Use the ibapi -h/--help option for more details. For instance:
- ibapi -h
- ibapi host -h
- ibapi host add -h
ibapi is written in Go and is available at github.com. Below is an installation example for Fedora/RHEL:
sudo dnf install golang
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src
cd $GOPATH/src
git clone https://github.com/dirtman/ibapi
cd ibapi
go mod tidy
./bin/ibapi -h
make install
/usr/bin/ibapi -h
ibapi configuration files can be used to set defaults for most of the available options. The ibapi command searches for configuration files in several places, including:
- /usr/site/ibapi-0.0/etc/ibapi.conf
- /etc/opt/ibapi/ibapi.conf
- ~/.ibapi/ibapi.conf
Any combination of these may be used. Each file found is read in turn, with settings in later files overriding those in previous files. Settings specified via the command line override all configuration file settings.
Configuration file format is very basic and is best shown with an example file:
# ibapi.conf - ibapi configuration file
# Global options - apply to (and must be valid for) all sub-commands:
APIBaseURL = https://infoblox.go.com/wapi/v2.11
APIAuthMethod = Basic
APIAuthTokenID = ibapi ## You may want to change this.
# Options specific to the "ibapi a add" sub-command:
comment = this is my new A record
Spaces before and after the equal sign are discarded. Inline comments are allowed; the "#" must be preceeded with one or more spaces, and these spaces are discarded (along with the comment).
A setting name is equal to a command's long option name without the "--" prefix. Case is not sensitive. Use the --showconfig option to see the current options and values:
- ibapi url add --showconfig
ibapi supports only basic authentication. A username and password can be specified via command line options or via a "username:password" string stored in a local file. Here is an example of configuring a username and password for WAPI user "sandman":
- mkdir -p $HOME/.ibapi/private
- chmod 700 $HOME/.ibapi/private
- echo "APIAuthTokenID = sandman" > $HOME/.ibapi/ibapi.conf
- echo "sandman:WAPI_PASSWORD" > $HOME/.ibapi/private/sandman
- chmod 600 $HOME/.ibapi/private/sandman
ibapi txt add 20200825031714pm._domainkey.rice.edu 'k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCIaPkwhAbWxwjdC2b8bqeFZA8gleAeG07v28Ovi/G/sJdXHjsZTmEJO+BXKzHof6YrIihbjT0lfNs9ETwcRY8RwHKd9/d6/lh5EGCe6RYvlw7EGApS5Lqj4JGO+xgLNFzF/VVtsTU4MPH4QaedDlsGUl6tsjBLbWUQHqI0wY22vwIDAQAB'
Create the specified TXT record; if the string is greater than the maximum string size for a TXT record, it will be split into sub-strings.
ibapi host add rb3.rice.edu -d -R -m f4:8e:38:84:89:e6 -N -b "/grub2/grubx64.efi"
Create the specified Host record with IPv4 address, configure that address for DHCP and set DHCP-related options as specified. When done, issue the "restart_if_needed" command to restart Grid services if needed.
ibapi host update rb3.rice.edu -i +
Update the Host record named "rb3.rice.edu", adding the IPv4 address "".
ibapi host update rb4.rice.edu -i
Update the "rb4.rice.edu" Host record, changing the IP address "" to "".
ibapi host get rb4.rice.edu
Fetch and print the Host record named "rb4.rice.edu".
ibapi host get
Fetch and print all Host records with IPv4 address "".
ibapi host get rb4.rice.edu
Fetch and print the Host record with name "rb4.rice.edu" and IPv4 address "".
ibapi host get rb3.rice.edu -v -I bootfile,nextserver,mac
Fetch and print the Host record named "rb3.rice.edu", including in the output the specified IPv4 fields.
ibapi a get -Fipv4addr~=,name~=a -V external
Fetch all A records in the external view whose IPs match the pattern "" and names matches the pattern "a".
ibapi a get -Fname~=seci.rice.edu
Fetch all A records whose names match the pattern "seci.rice.edu".
ibapi a get rb4.rice.edu
Fetch the A record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi a get
Get all A records that contain the IP address "".
ibapi a add rb4.rice.edu
Create a new A record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi a delete rb4.rice.edu
Delete the A record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi a update rb4.rice.edu -i
Update the "rb4.rice.edu/" A record, changing the IP address to "".
ibapi alias add rb4.rice.edu somewhere.com
Create a new Alias record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and A record target "somewhere.com".
ibapi cname get rb4.rice.edu
Fetch the CNAME record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu".
ibapi cname get -Fcanonical=somewhere.com
Get each CNAME record whose target (canonical) is "somewhere.com".
ibapi cname get "" somewhere.com
Same as above.
ibapi cname get rb4.rice.edu somewhere.com
Fetch the CNAME record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and target "somewhere.com".
ibapi cname update rb4.rice.edu -t nowhere.com
Update the "rb4.rice.edu" CNAME record, changing the target to "nowhere.com".
ibapi ptr add rb4.rice.edu
Create a new PTR record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi ptr delete rb4.rice.edu
Delete the PTR record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi ptr get rb4.rice.edu
Fetch the PTR record with hostname "rb4.rice.edu" and IP address "".
ibapi ptr get
Get all PTR records that contain the IP address "".
ibapi ptr update rb4.rice.edu -i
Update the rb4.rice.edu/ PTR record, changing the IP address to "".
ibapi url add 'record:a?name=dbx.seci.rice.edu&ipv4addr='
Create a new A record with hostname "dbx.seci.rice.edu" and IP address "". Same as
ibapi a add dbx.seci.rice.edu
ibapi url delete "record:a/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuZWR1LnJpY2Uuc2VjaSxkYngsMTAuMTAuMTAuMjAx:dbx.seci.rice.edu/default"
Delete the A record with the specified object reference.
ibapi cname get dbalias.seci.rice.edu
ref=$(ibapi cname get -r dbalias.seci.rice.edu | awk '{print $2}')
ibapi url delete "$ref"
Get the reference for the dbalias.seci.rice.edu CNAME record, and then use the reference to delete the record.
ibapi url get '/record:host?name~=cs.rice.edu'
Retrieve all Host records with a name that matches the pattern "cs.rice.edu".
ibapi url get '/record:a?ipv4addr~=128.42.201.'
Retrieve all A records with an IP address that matches the pattern "128.42.201.".
ibapi url get '/record:host?_schema'
Retrieve the schema for a Host record.
ibapi url update "record:cname/ZG5zLmJpbmRfYSQuX2RlZmF1bHQuZWR1LnJpY2Uuc2VjaSxkYngsMTAuMTAuMTAuMjAx:dbx.seci.rice.edu/default?canonical=somewhere.edu"
Change the target, or canonical name, of the referenced CNAME record.
ibapi grid restart
Instruct Infoblox to restart any grid services that need to be restarted, generally due to pending updates that require a particular service, such as DHCP, is be restarted.