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Clojurescript-node.js mount module for a district server, that watches server connection to a blockchain.


Add [district0x/district-server-web3-watcher "1.0.3"] into your project.clj Include [district.server.web3-watcher] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages, therefore API can change in a future.

Real-world example

To see how district server modules play together in real-world app, you can take a look at NameBazaar server folder, where this is deployed in production.


You can pass following args to web3-watcher module:

  • :interval Interval at which it should check the connection. Default: 3s
  • :confirmations How many offline responses module needs to get before triggers :on-offline. Default: 3
  • :on-online Callback that is run when connection goes from offline to online
  • :on-offline Callback that is run when connection goes from online to offline
(ns my-district
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]

  (-> (mount/with-args
        {:web3 {:port 8545}
         :web3-watcher {:on-offline #(println "Node went offline")
                        :on-online #(println "Node is online again")}})

Module dependencies

district-server-web3-watcher gets initial args from config provided by district-server-config/config under the key :web3-watcher. These args are then merged together with ones passed to mount/with-args.

district-server-web3-watcher relies on getting web3 instance from district-server-web3/web3. That's why, in example, you need to set up :web3 in mount/with-args as well.

If you wish to use custom modules instead of dependencies above while still using district-server-web3-watcher, you can easily do so by mount's states swapping.

Development (build, test)

To try things in REPL:

  1. Watch node-repl target: npx shadow-cljs watch node-repl
  2. Run the compiled file: node out/node-repl.js
  3. Connect REPL client: lein repl :connect 30333
  4. To use the build, check src/repl_helper.cljs


  1. Build: npx shadow-cljs compile test-node
  2. Tests: node out/node-tests.js

Build & release with deps.edn and

  1. Build: clj -T:build jar
  2. Release: clj -T:build deploy


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