Clojurescript re-mount module, that facilitates root reagent UI component mounting.
Add [district0x/district-ui-reagent-render "1.0.1"]
into your project.clj.
Include [district.ui.reagent-render]
in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start
Warning: district0x modules are still in early stages of development, therefore API can change in the future.
This namespace contains district-ui-reagent-render mount module as well as a special utility function rerender
The district-ui-reagent-render module takes a map of opts as an argument:
The html element where the root component of you app will be injected or:id
, a string with the identifier of the root component.:component-var
The reference (a Var) to the function which returns the root component.
The validity of the args passed to the module will be checked at runtime if you have set the clojure.spec.check-asserts
system property to true
(ns my-district
(:require [cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[ :as events]
[mount.core :as mount]))
(def main-panel []
[:div "HOME"])
(defn ^:export init []
(s/check-asserts true)
(-> (mount/with-args {:reagent-render {:id "app"
:component-var #'main-panel}
:other-component {:fu "bar"}})
The :target
argument can be passed like this:
{:reagent-render {:target (.getElementById js/document "app")
:component-var #'main-panel}}
Next call the resulting JS function in your index.html
file to bootstrap the application::
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="js/compiled/app.js"></script>
This namespace contains re-frame events provided by this module.
Note: In typical applications you won't be needing to use the provided events, it is enough to just call mount/start
on the underlying mount module provided by the district.ui.reagent-render namespace.
None of the events below do any sort of input checking.
This is the handler for the underlying event dispatched synchronously when mount/start
is invoked. It takes the same arguments as the district.ui.reagent-render mount module and dispatches a :render
This is just a book-keeping event to make sure that effectful event handler render-fx
is called only once all other synchronously dispatched events from other modules have already happened.
It takes the same arguments as the district.ui.reagent-render mount module.
This event handler performs the actual work of rendering the root component. It takes the same arguments as the district.ui.reagent-render mount module.
specs provided by this module:
Spec for the options passed to the module. You can toggle whether this spec is checked at runtime, see district.ui.reagent-render.
- Run test suite:
npx shadow-cljs watch test-browser
- open https://d0x-vm:6502
- tests refresh automatically on code change
- Build
- on merging pull request to master on GitHub, CI builds & publishes new version automatically
- update version in
- to build:
clj -T:build jar
- to release:
clj -T:build deploy
env vars to be set)