A deployment bundle for Divine.dotfiles
The deployment bundle configs
is under development.
A deployment bundle for Divine.dotfiles
Divine bundle 'config-hyperjs' maintains your personal configuration file for Hyper.js.
This deployment provides useful default version of configuration file.
Look for it in |
Install via any Terminal.
Pre-existing configuration file, if any, will be moved to backup directory and restored upon removal. |
Install both framework & this deployment in one fell swoop (it’s fully removable):
bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https:\
; if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --ver\
sion &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fa\
iled to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf \
>&2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download installation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh attach config-hyperjs --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh install --yes
Afterward, if you don’t like it, here is the 'undo' command (removes/restores everything):
~/.divine/intervene.sh remove --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh detach config-hyperjs --yes \
&& bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https://raw.\
github.com/divine-dotfiles/divine-dotfiles/master/lib/uninstall/uninstall.sh; \
if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --versi\
on &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fail\
ed to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf >&\
2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download uninstallation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes
A deployment bundle for Divine.dotfiles
Divine bundle 'config-transmissionbt' maintains your personal configuration file for Transmission BitTorrent Client.
Look for instructions for storing your Transmission configuration file at |
Install via any Terminal.
Pre-existing configuration file, if any, will be moved to backup directory and restored upon removal. |
Install both framework & this deployment in one fell swoop (it’s fully removable):
bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https:\
; if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --ver\
sion &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fa\
iled to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf \
>&2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download installation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh attach config-transmissionbt --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh install --yes
Afterward, if you don’t like it, here is the 'undo' command (removes/restores everything):
~/.divine/intervene.sh remove --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh detach config-transmissionbt --yes \
&& bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https://raw.\
github.com/divine-dotfiles/divine-dotfiles/master/lib/uninstall/uninstall.sh; \
if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --versi\
on &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fail\
ed to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf >&\
2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download uninstallation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes
A deployment bundle for Divine.dotfiles
Divine bundle 'config-vscode' maintains your personal configuration file for Visual Studio Code.
This deployment provides useful default version of configuration file.
Look for it in |
Install via any Terminal.
Pre-existing configuration file, if any, will be moved to backup directory and restored upon removal. |
Install both framework & this deployment in one fell swoop (it’s fully removable):
bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https:\
; if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --ver\
sion &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fa\
iled to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf \
>&2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download installation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh attach config-vscode --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh install --yes
Afterward, if you don’t like it, here is the 'undo' command (removes/restores everything):
~/.divine/intervene.sh remove --yes \
&& ~/.divine/intervene.sh detach config-vscode --yes \
&& bash -c "TMP=\$(mktemp); URL=https://raw.\
github.com/divine-dotfiles/divine-dotfiles/master/lib/uninstall/uninstall.sh; \
if curl --version &>/dev/null; then curl -fsSL \$URL >\$TMP; elif wget --versi\
on &>/dev/null; then wget -qO \$TMP \$URL; else printf >&2 \"\n==> Error: fail\
ed to detect neither curl nor wget\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; exit 1; fi || { printf >&\
2 \"\n==> Error: failed to download uninstallation script\n\"; rm -f \$TMP; ex\
it 2; }; chmod +x \$TMP && \$TMP \"\$@\"; RC=\$?; rm -f \$TMP; ((RC)) && exit \
3 || exit 0" bash --yes