A small library providing utility methods to get Country list, timezone for country, currency of country
- NPM:
npm install @divvit/country-info-utils --save
- Bower:
bower install divvit-country-info-utils --save --save
- Zip: Download
Using with Node via npmjs
npm install @divvit/country-info-utils --save
var utility = require('@divvit/country-info-utils'); var countrList = utility.getCountryList(); console.log('Country list:' + countrList);
var countryName = utility.getCountryName('vn');
console.log('Country name:' + countryName);
var timezone = utility.getCountryForTimezone('Europe/Stockholm'); console.log('Country for time zone:' + timezone); var currency = utility.getCurrencyList(); console.log('Currency list:' + currency);
var currencySymbol = utility.getCurrencySymbols('vnd');
console.log('Currency symbol:' + currencySymbol);
var currencyHtmlCode = utility.getCurrencyHtmlCode('vnd');
console.log('Currency html code:' + currencyHtmlCode);
var currencyName = utility.getCurrencyName('vnd');
console.log('Currency name:' + currencyName);
Using with Angularjs via bowerjs
npm test
Anh Nguyen, Nino Ulsamer, Divvit AB
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- 1.1.0 Sharing modules between NodeJS and AngularJS release
- 1.1.1 Fixed AngularJS module name release
- 1.2.0 add AngularJS samples, make minfy js file release
- 1.3.0 add new method get currency symbols by currency release
- 1.3.1 upcase currency code in method get currency symbols by currency release
- 1.4.0 fix error symbols by currency release
- 1.5.0 add new method get currency name, get currency symbol by html code by currency code
- 1.6.0 add new method get country name by country code