I moved all development and fixes to bitbucket repo (https://bitbucket.org/divvit/app-stack/src/develop/divvit-modules/currency-converter/)
A small library to convert currencies according to the EZB exchange rates.
npm install @divvit/currency-converter --save
var converter = require('@divvit/currency-converter')();
// if you want to change the storage path, call the script like that:
// var converter = require('@divvit/currency-converter')({ storageDir: '/some/other/path' });
// the default path is process.env.TMPDIR
var moment = require('moment');
var eurValue = 10;
var conversionDate = moment('2015-01-01');
converter.convert(eurValue, conversionDate, 'EUR', 'USD', function(err, usdResult) {
if (err)
return callback(err);
console.log('Converted ' + eurValue + ' EUR to ' + usdResult.value + ' USD, according to FX rate of ' . usdResult.usedDate.format('DD.MM.YYYY') );
- If the queried day exists in the cache then the library uses the queried day for conversion.
- If the queried day does not exit the library will try to use the nearst day before.
npm test
Nino Ulsamer, Divvit AB
- 2.0.0 Fix currency file updates.
- 2.0.0 Uses data in-memory and binary-search and includes and enriched response.
- 1.0.3 Fixed issue #1: round currency conversion results to max 2 digits
- 1.0.2 Changed default working directory to __dirname
- 1.0.1 Improved README formatting
- 1.0.0 Initial release