A curated repository to practice and master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). This repo includes solutions to LeetCode problems, categorized by topics like Arrays, Trees, Graphs, Dynamic Programming, and more. Perfect for interview preparation and honing your problem-solving skills!
- Topic-wise LeetCode solutions with explanations
- Optimized code with comments for better understanding
- Difficulty tags (Easy, Medium, Hard)
- Continuous updates with new problems
- Next Greater Element I
- Next Greater Element II
- Next Smaller Element
- Number of Next Greater Elements
- Trapping Rain Water
- Course Schedule - I
- Course Schedule - II
- Course Schedule - IV
- Number of Islands (Matrix version)
- Number of Provinces (Graph version)
- Surrounded Regions
- Rotten Oranges
- Eventual Safe States
- Redundant Connections
- Path with Minimum Effort
- Shortest Path in Binary Matrix
- Ninja Training
- Unique Paths
- Unique Paths II
- Unique Paths III
- Minimum Falling Path Sum
- Minimum Path Sum
- Cherry Pickup I
- Cherry Pickup II
- Subset Sum equal to target
- Partition Equal Subset Sum
- Count Subsets with Sum k
- Coin change I
- Coin Change II
- Unbound Knapsack
- Rod Cutting
- Longest Common Subsequences
- Print all longest common subsequence
- Edit Distance
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence
- Minimum Insertion Steps to make string palindrome
- Delete Operation for Two Strings
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - I
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - II
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - III
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - IV
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - V
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks - VI
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Print Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
- Maximum Length of Bitonic Subsequence
- Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence