An application that allow users to post-notes, built on top of vue.js and realtime-firebase-database!
Access Live Application -
npm install
cd src
vue serve
- Handle and manage state for your app using Vuex. You'll also understand why a central store is important for building large- scale apps.
- Maintain reactivity within your app by utilizing built-in Vuex features.
- Authenticate routes with vue-router.
- Read/write to a database using Firebase's Cloud Firestore.
- Set up authentication using Firebase.
- Leverage components, one of the more powerful features of Vue.js.
- Familiarize yourself with core Vue.js concepts.
I have made use of Cloud Firestore. Please follow the below-mentioned instructions to configure it.
To create a Firebase project, go to the Firebase Console and click “add project.” Give it a name, then click “create project.” Click “Add Firebase to your web app.” Be sure to copy this code. You will need it later when you set up the firebaseConfig.js file.
Click “Authentication” in the left-hand navigation, then “Set sign-up method,” then “email/password.” Enable and save.
Select “Database.” Click “Get started” for Cloud Firestore (currently in beta). Start in test mode and enable so anyone can read/write to the database. You will add basic security rules later.
Implement security : Go to your project's Firebase console and click on “Database” then select the “Rules” tab at the top next to “Data.” Then update your security rules and click “Publish.
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read;
allow write: if request.auth.uid != null