Your final task is to implement social network for sharing images (for example like Instagramm). Main use cases that must be implemented are :
- User can register and login himself. Password must not be stored as plain text. It is not allowed to register two or more users with same nickname.
- (Optional) Optionally after user has registered you can send him email for confirmation and not allow to login user until he confirm an email.
- User must be able to logout after he made login.
- User can upload any kind and any amount of images to the system. Images can be very huge, so your task first to resize them in order to spare space and network resources.
- User must specify name of image. Image can contains any number of special links symbols like user references or hash tags. Any user must be able to open account or images with same tags on the click.
- User must be able to comment an image. Optionally he can edit and remove his comment.
- User can like or dislike any image in the system.
- User must see images sorted by submit time, latest first.
- User can open his account, be able to check his subscribers and subscriptions.
- User can search for any user in the system by nickname.
- User can open any account of other user and can subscribe or unsubscribe to that user.
- User must see history of actions, that his subscribers did on his items: who liked or comment his image. Any history item in the list must contain image thumbnail.
- (Optionally) User can check list of recommended users to subscribe.
- (Optionally) User can send message to any of his subscribers.
In addition you must provide external API for any component presented in the system in order to be able to access to your application via third party vendors. Each of external service must have at least basic security.
Each component in the system must be separate maven module, can depend on other modules but better keep them as independent as possible.
Application big picture you can find in root of this project under the name of 'Photogramm APP.jpg'.
###Users system
####Authorization / Authentification component
- Component should allow user to login, logout for user and provide information about this right and granted authorities.
- Component must provide possibility to register new user in the system.
- Component must also provide possibility to subscribe and unsubscribe to any user.
- Component also must provide possibility to get general information about user.
Resource for general CRUD operation for users in the system.
- nickname - REQUIRED, string - user nickname (must be unique).
- email - REQUIRED, string - user email (can be unique)
- password - REQUIRED, string.
- name - REQUIRED, string - user name (must not be null)
- language - OPTIONAL, string - preferred user language.
200 - OK, any other HTTP status codes considers as errors.
- nickname - REQUIRED - nickname of the user.
"nickname": "cooler",
"email": "cool@ad.com",
"name": "Cooler"
Find information about partially provided nickname.
- nickname - REQUIRED - partitially provided nickname of the user.
Remove information about user in the system by provided nickname.
- nickname - REQUIRED - nickname of the user.
- nickname - REQUIRED, string - current user nickname.
- subscription - REQUIRED, string - user nickname to subscribe on.
- nickname - REQUIRED, string - current user nickname.
- subscription - REQUIRED, string - user nickname to unsubscribe from.
List all nicknames of users on which provided user is subscribed.
- nickname - REQUIRED, string - current user nickname.
["test-user1", "test-user2"]
List all nicknames of users which subscribed on provided user.
- nickname - REQUIRED, string - current user nickname.
["test-user1", "test-user2"]
This component is responsible for CRUD photo operations. Files won't be stored in database, they will be delivered via static files serving system. Use AWS S3 as static files storage.
This component is responsible for social activities for pictures: likes, comments and integration with other social media service.
Static files component should be responsible for delivering static files to end user. Use AWS S3 for managing such kind of images and static files.