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Django Commons Controls

This repository contains all the information for administrators to manage Django Commons packages.

New Member Playbook

  1. Review new issues/application at
  2. If they are not a real human or not reasonably trustworthy, close the issue, asking for more information they are a human and not a spambot. You can explain that by being a member, they can impact repositories immediately.
  3. Add the user's GitHub username to the members collection in the terraform/production/org.tfvars file.
      members = [
        # ...
  4. If they requested to be on specific repository team(s), in the terraform/production/repositories.tfvars file, add them to the members collection.
      repositories = {
        "[REPOSITORY]" = {
          # ...
          members = [
            # ...
  5. Create a pull-request to main branch. This will trigger terraform to plan the changes in the organization to be executed. Review the changes and make sure they align with the request.
  6. Merge the pull request. This will trigger terraform to apply the changes in the organization.

Repository Team Change Playbook

  1. If they are not a real human or not reasonably trustworthy, close the issue, asking for more information if they are a human and not a spambot. You can explain that by being a member, they can impact repositories immediately.
  2. For the requested repository's team(s), in the terraform/production/repositories.tfvars file, add them to the members collection.
      repositories = {
        "[REPOSITORY]" = {
          # ...
          members = [
            # ...
  3. Create a pull-request to main branch. This will trigger terraform to plan the changes in the organization to be executed. Review the changes and make sure they align with the request.
  4. Merge the pull request. This will trigger terraform to apply the changes in the organization.

New Repository Admin or Committer Playbook

  1. Confirm with all existing admins that they approve changes to the repository admins or committers.
  2. If there's disagreement, close the issue and ask for the admins to come to a consensus
  3. For the requested repository's team(s), in the terraform/production/repositories.tfvars file, for the repository's key under repositories, add them to the admins collection for the correct team. There will be two privileged teams for each repository, *-admins and *-committers, the user should be added to the requested team.
      repositories = {
        "[REPOSITORY]" = {
          # ...
          admins = [
            # ...
  4. Create a pull-request to main branch. This will trigger terraform to plan the changes in the organization to be executed. Review the changes and make sure they align with the request.
  5. Merge the pull request. This will trigger terraform to apply the changes in the organization.

New Project Playbook

  1. Check if repository meets inbound requirements.
  2. Confirm who will be the admins and maintainers for the repository
  3. PyPI project owner must add you (Django Commons admin) as owner in PyPI
  4. (TODO: Determine how this works with transferring out of an org and into the Django Commons org)
  5. Add repository owner to Django Commons as member (they'll be added to a team later)
  6. Share link ( with repo owner to transfer repo
  7. Wait for repository transferred in
  8. Make Terraform changes to add new project
  9. Under Actions > General > "Fork pull request workflows from outside collaborators", set "Require approval for first-time contributors"
  10. Have the maintainer push a new tag and walk them through the release process
  11. Set a calendar event or reminder for 30 days in the future to remove previous repository owner from team

Terraform changes to add a new project

Using the GitHub UI

  1. Transfer the existing repository to the Django Commons organization using the GitHub UI, so old information is preserved.
  2. Make sure the there are no teams repo-name, repo-name-admins and repo-name-committers in the Django Commons organization. Teams can be viewed here. The teams will be created by the terraform apply process.


Assuming repository name is repo-name:

In terraform/production/respositories.tfvars, add the new repository to the repositories section:

repositories = {
  # ...
  "repo-name" = {
    description = "repo description"
    homepage_url = "" # optional, default is ""
    allow_auto_merge = false # optional, default is false
    allow_merge_commit = false # optional, default is false
    allow_rebase_merge = false # optional, default is false
    allow_squash_merge = true # optional, default is true
    allow_update_branch = true # optional, default is true
    delete_branch_on_merge = true # optional, default is true
    has_discussions = true # optional, default is true
    has_downloads = true # optional, default is true
    has_wiki = false # optional, default is false
    is_template = false # optional, default is false
    push_allowances = []
    template = "" # optional, default is ""
    topics = []
    visibility = "public" # optional, default is "public"
    is_django_commons_repo = optional(bool, false) # Do not create teams for repository
    enable_branch_protection = true # optional, default is true
    required_status_checks_contexts = [] # optional, default is []
    admins = [] # Members of the repository's admin and repository teams. Have admin permissions
    committers = [] # Members of the repository's committers and repository teams. Have write permissions
    members = [] # Members of the repository team. Have triage permissions
  1. Create a pull-request to main branch. This will trigger terraform to plan the changes in the organization to be executed. Review the changes and make sure they align with the request.
  2. Merge the pull request. This will trigger terraform to apply the changes in the organization.

The expected changes:

  • New teams repo-name, repo-name-admins, repo-name-committers with the relevant members based on the repository's description.
  • The repository changes are accepted by the project maintainers.

Remove Project Playbook

  1. Confirm there's agreement amongst current project maintainers to move project out of Django Commons
  2. Add new Owner(s) to project in PyPI
  3. Transfer GitHub repo to new owner or Org
  4. Wait for repository to be transferred out.
  5. Remove all Django Commons members from PyPI project (except any that are staying on from step 2)
  6. (TODO: Determine how to handle transferring a PyPI project out of an organization)

Terraform changes to remove a project

  1. Remove the repository from the repositories section in terraform/production/respositories.tfvars
  2. Create a pull-request to main branch. This will trigger terraform to plan the changes in the organization to be executed. Review the changes and make sure they align with the request.
  3. Merge the pull request. This will trigger terraform to apply the changes in the organization.

The expected changes:

  • The repository will be removed from the organization.
  • The repository's teams will be removed from the organization.


The controls for managing Django Commons projects







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