This dictionary was built using data from Reta Vortaro.
You'll need Python 3, xlstproc and kindlegen to generate the dictionary.
git submodule init && git submodule update
pip install -r requirements.txt
# this will generate the .mobi file
./kindlegen output/vortaro.opf
The .mobi file can be found in the Releases section.
Then you can upload it your Kindle (you can use Calibre to do that), and the dictionary will appear in the "Dictionaries" collection of your library.
La .mobi dosiero troveblas en Releases.
Alŝuti ĝin al via Kindle (vi povas fari ĝin per Calibre), kaj la vortaro aperos en la "Dictionaries" kolekto de via biblioteko.
- - Esperanto-English dictionary for Kindle
- - Reta Vortaro for Kobo devices