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djv554 authored Oct 27, 2024
1 parent 994e9a5 commit a27c79c
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions Symptom Checker/
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# Health Assistant with Medication Reminders

## Overview

This is a voice-activated health assistant that helps users describe symptoms to receive health advice, set medication reminders, and get alerts when it's time to take medications. It leverages speech recognition to understand user commands and provides responses via text-to-speech (TTS). The system also stores medication reminders and continuously checks for upcoming medications to notify users at the scheduled time.

## Features
- Voice input to describe health symptoms and receive advice.
- Voice commands to set and manage medication reminders.
- Real-time alerts when it's time to take a medication.
- Persistent storage of reminders for future sessions.

## Libraries Needed

The following Python libraries are required to run this application:

- `asyncio`: For managing asynchronous tasks such as listening to commands and running background tasks.
- `pyttsx3`: A text-to-speech conversion library.
- `speech_recognition`: For speech input and voice recognition.
- `datetime`: To manage and compare times for reminders.
- `os`: To check for file existence.
- `json`: For saving and loading reminders in a JSON format.

## Conclusion

This health assistant helps users manage their medications and receive basic health advice through simple voice commands. It uses text-to-speech technology to provide a natural interaction experience and allows users to set reminders that persist across sessions. This can be expanded with more detailed health advice and integration with external APIs for more advanced features.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions Symptom Checker/
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import asyncio
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition as sr
import json
import datetime
import time
import os

# Initialize TTS engine
engine = pyttsx3.init()
engine.setProperty('rate', 150)

# File to store reminders
REMINDER_FILE = "medication_reminders.json"
medication_reminders = {}

# Load reminders from file
def load_reminders():
global medication_reminders
if os.path.exists(REMINDER_FILE):
with open(REMINDER_FILE, 'r') as f:
medication_reminders = json.load(f)

# Save reminders to file
def save_reminders():
with open(REMINDER_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(medication_reminders, f)

# Function to convert text to speech asynchronously
async def speak_async(text):
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

# Function to get user input through speech recognition
async def voice_to_text_async():
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print("Listening for your input...")
audio = recognizer.listen(source, timeout=10)
command = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
return command.lower()
except sr.UnknownValueError:
await speak_async("I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat?")
return None
except sr.RequestError:
await speak_async("The speech recognition service is unavailable at the moment.")
return None

# Provide health advice based on symptoms
async def provide_health_advice(symptoms):
# Simple keyword-based advice (could be enhanced with more data or APIs)
if "headache" in symptoms:
await speak_async("For headaches, try to stay hydrated and rest in a dark, quiet room.")
elif "fever" in symptoms:
await speak_async("If you have a fever, consider taking fever-reducing medications and consult a doctor if it persists.")
await speak_async("It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper advice.")

# Set medication reminder with input validation
async def set_medication_reminder(medication, time_to_take):
# Validate time format (HH:MM)
datetime.datetime.strptime(time_to_take, "%H:%M")
medication_reminders[medication] = time_to_take
save_reminders() # Save reminder to file
await speak_async(f"Reminder set for {medication} at {time_to_take}.")
except ValueError:
await speak_async("Invalid time format. Please provide time in HH:MM format.")

# Parse command for medication and time (more flexible parsing)
def parse_reminder_command(command):
parts = command.split("set reminder for")
if len(parts) == 2:
details = parts[1].strip().split("at")
if len(details) == 2:
medication = details[0].strip()
time_to_take = details[1].strip()
return medication, time_to_take
except IndexError:
return None, None
return None, None

# Check and alert for medication reminders
async def check_medication_reminders():
current_time ="%H:%M")
for medication, time_to_take in medication_reminders.items():
if time_to_take == current_time:
await speak_async(f"It's time to take your {medication}.")
await asyncio.sleep(60) # Check every minute

# Background task to continuously check reminders
async def reminder_task():
while True:
await check_medication_reminders()

# Main function for the health assistant
async def main():
load_reminders() # Load existing reminders at startup
await speak_async("Welcome to your health assistant! Describe your symptoms or set a medication reminder.")

# Start background task for checking reminders

while True:
command = await voice_to_text_async()

if command:
if "symptoms" in command:
symptoms = command.replace("symptoms", "").strip()
await provide_health_advice(symptoms)

elif "set reminder" in command:
medication, time_to_take = parse_reminder_command(command)
if medication and time_to_take:
await set_medication_reminder(medication, time_to_take)
await speak_async("Sorry, I didn't understand. Please say it in the format: set reminder for [medication] at [time].")

elif "check reminders" in command:
await check_medication_reminders()

elif "exit" in command:
await speak_async("Goodbye!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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