Computer graphics project written with OpenGL for Warsaw University of Technology course.
There are 3 different cameras available (stable, moved automatically and moved by user) allowing spectator to observe the scene from any angle. The user is also provided with controllers allowing him to interact with what he sees.
Example preview videos from the application:
escape - close the application
space - switch to the next camera (3 cameras availiable: #1 flying automatically, #2 moved by user, #3 stable)
Enabled only when camera #2 is the currently used camera:
W - move camera forward
S - move camera backward (enabled only when camera #2 is the currently used camera)
A - move camera to the left (enabled only when camera #2 is the currently used camera)
D - move camera to the right (enabled only when camera #2 is the currently used camera)
R - turn on
the spotlight
🠕 - move spotlight direction up
🠗 - move spotlight direction down
P - change current shading mode to Phong Model
G - change current shading mode to Gouraud Model
B - turn on
the Blinn lighting model
N - turn off
the Blinn lighting model
F - switch to next Fogg level (levels: 0, 1, 2, 3)
0 - change lamp brightness to 0
1 - change lamp brightness to 1
2 - change lamp brightness to 2
3 - change lamp brightness to 3
4 - change lamp brightness to 4
5 - change lamp brightness to 5
6 - change lamp brightness to 6
7 - change lamp brightness to 7
8 - change lamp brightness to 8
9 - change lamp brightness to 9