Testing the encoding functionality of various security related encoders.
If you just want to jump to the interesting bit, here's what's in the output
- All_HTML_Encoder_Test.html - compares the most popular HTML encoders side by side
- All_XML_Encoder_Test.html - compares the most popular XML encoders side by side
- All_CSS_Encoder_Test.html - compares CSS encoders side by side
- All_Javascript_Encoder_Test.html - compares Javascript encoders side by side
- All_URL_Encoder_Test.html - compares URL encoders side by side
- All_Java_Encoder_Test.html - compares Java String encoders side by side
- All_.NET_Encoder_Test.html - compares .NET String encoders side by side
First generate the .NET data:
docker run --rm -it \
-v "$PWD/dotnet:/app/dotnet" \
-v "$PWD/encoder-test-java/src/main/resources/encodingData:/app/encoder-test-java/src/main/resources/encodingData" \
-v "$PWD/output:/app/output" \
--workdir /app/dotnet \
mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 dotnet run
Then generate the Java data and produce the reports:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/app" --entrypoint bash --workdir /app maven
mvn clean install
java -jar encoder-test-java/target/encoder-test-java-1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
java -jar encoder-test-transform/target/encoder-test-transform-1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The output directory will contain the results of executing the tests (JSON files) as well as the HTML comparison files. Start at index.html