**** Overview and purpose**** We created an interactive map of Davidson County census tracts, discovering which communities struggle with extreme poverty and food insecurity, and comparing that with local available grocery resources.
**** Instructions on how to use and interact with the projec****t
- Here is the link to our interactive map: https://dlerhetal.github.io/DesertDemo/
- This map will show each neighborhood tract of Davidson County, color-coded by its poverty rate.
- The user may select any geographical area by selecting a tract region on the map. Demographic information will be displayed.
- The user may also view the various locations to access groceries, which are sized by the quality of food (as based on their yelp rating)
**** Ethical Considerations made in the project****
- When describing an “impoverished area” - can’t access food stamp or similar private info that could be helpful in the analysis.
- We, as users, give and use this data, but why is it so difficult to retrieve it?
- We realize that the ratings of the grocery stores could be skewed because not everyone is ranking a store after shopping, especially if they had a good experience
**** References for the data source(s) ****
- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tcrammond/food-access-and-food-deserts
- https://docs.developer.yelp.com/reference/v3_business_search
- https://data.census.gov/map?t=Income%20and%20Poverty&g=050XX00US47037$1400000&layer=VT_2022_140_00_PY_D1&mode=thematic&loc=36.1869,-86.8464,z8.8422
- https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles/index.php?year=2020&layergroup=Census+Tracts
Project 3, Group 2, Davidson County Food Insecurity (Food Deserts)
**** References for coding helpers ****
- Ahmad Mousa - Instructor for the course
- https://docs.developer.yelp.com/reference/v3_business_search
- Xpert Learning Assistant
- Github.com
- Stack overflow
- Gis stack exchange