This solution was designed to make it easier for DLSU organizations to handle their General Attendance Log Sheet (GALS) Forms during in-person events, aimed to make participant attendance processing more seamless.
You can directly import your Pre-Registration Form sheets (File > export as (.csv)) to the application, and use the GALZify barcode scanning application on DLSU student IDs when they enter the event venue, and immediately be registered to the event.
I personally have hosted (emcee'd) events by La Salle Computer Society and Google Developer Students Club DLSU, and one main inconvenience I observed is having to tell the audience to fill up the GALS form every 5 minutes.
One day, I got curious, what would happen if I scanned the barcode behind our IDs? And then I found out that it returned our student ID number. I realized that with this easier-to-access identification system, I could cross-reference the student ID to the pre-registration form sheets, and confirm a student's participation without even having to type or write anything.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
npm run test:unit
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint