- Title
- Description
- User Story
- Deployed
- Screenshot
- Installation
- Usage
- License
- Contributing
- Tests
- Questions
- Credits
Pet services is a website that provides services for pets. This application will google map react for providing location of the store and also provide the services like grooming, walking, etc. for the pets. It will also provide the reviews of the employees who carry out these services. In addition, it provides the featured pet and employee.
AS a pet owner I WANT TO receive services such as grooming or walking my pets AND look at reviews of employees who carry out these services AND see a featured pet friend for my own viewing enjoyment AND purchase these services on the website with a secure technology
Pet Services link: https://pet-services.herokuapp.com/
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm i
npm start
This application is used for pet owners to receive services such as grooming or walking their pets and look at reviews of employees who carry out these services and see a featured pet friend. The user is able to purchase these services on the website with a secure technology.
Any questions? Contact us at:
Muna - Location API and Front End Veronika - Back End (Models, Databases, Etc.) Ryan - Back End (Models, Databases, Etc.) Danielle - Adoption API and Front End
Resources used to create this project.
- Apollo GraphQL
- Bcrypt
- Concurrently
- Express
- Emotion/Tailwind
- Google Map React
- MongoDB
- Node
- React
- Heroku