Prometheus Exporter for Shelly devices
If you want support for another device, or metrics for an existing device are missing, please open an issue or PR. I only implemented for the devices I personally have.
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-l LISTEN_IP]
[-f METRICS_FILE] [--s3-bucket S3_BUCKET]
[--s3-url S3_URL] [--s3-key-id S3_KEY_ID]
[--s3-secret-key S3_SECRET_KEY]
[--s3-verify S3_VERIFY] [-e EXPIRE]
Prometheus Exporter for Shelly devices.
This exporter will scrape the API endpoints of Shelly devices.
Device-specific metrics are auto-discovered based on the 'type' value of the '/shelly' endpoint.
2 endpoints are provided:
* The '/probe' endpoint will do a single scrape of the target specified
with the 'target' URL parameter.
'username' and 'password' parameters can optionally be added if authentication is required.
If 'save' parameter is set to 'true', metrics will aditionally be saved and included in the
results of the '/metrics' endpoint (Use-case are battery-powered devices that are in sleep mode
most of the time and wake up to push metrics. Configure /probe URL as URL to push updates to on
the battery-powered device).
* The '/metrics' endpoint will scrape all devices specified at startup
with the '-s|--static-targets' option, and those saved from the '/probe' endpoint
(with static targets overwriting saved probes, if one exists as both).
Other relevant flags are '-U|--username' and '-P|--password'.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Config file. If specified, all other params will be
-l LISTEN_IP, --listen-ip LISTEN_IP
IP address for the exporter to listen on. Default:
-p LISTEN_PORT, --listen-port LISTEN_PORT
Port for the exporter to listen on. Default: 9686
Comma-separated list of static targets to scrape when
querying /metrics
Username for the static targets (same for all)
Password for the static targets (same for all)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Timeout (in seconds) to use when Scraping shelly
devices. Default: 5
YAML or JSON string containing target config. See
example config for help.
-f METRICS_FILE, --metrics-file METRICS_FILE
Pickle file or S3 path to save metrics too (from
/probe?save=true). Default: metrics.pkl
--s3-bucket S3_BUCKET
S3 bucket to save metrics file in. Usefull in dynamic
containerized setup
--s3-url S3_URL Optional S3 endpoint url to use. Must include
http/https, if used.
--s3-key-id S3_KEY_ID
Optinal Access Key ID to use when connection to S3
--s3-secret-key S3_SECRET_KEY
Optional Secret Access Key to use when connection to
--s3-verify S3_VERIFY
Set 'false' to not verify S3 SSL, or path to a custom
CA to use.
-e EXPIRE, --expire EXPIRE
Expire saved metrics after x hours. 0 to never expire.
Default: 163
All parameters can be supplied as env vars in 'SHELLY_<LONG_ARG>' form (e.g. 'SHELLY_LISTEN_PORT')