WSF Plugins that are common to all VEuPathDB genomics (ApiCommon) web sites. See WSFPlugin/src for the list of plugins.
Additionally, the CLI implementation of the HighSpeedSnpSearch system that is called by the High Speed Snp Search plugin
- ant
- Perl 5
- Java 11+
- External dependencies: see pom.xml
- environment variables for GUS_HOME and PROJECT_HOME
- Internal Dependencies: see build.xml
- bld ApiCommonWebService
- WSFPlugin/config :: configuration for individual plugins
- WSFPlugin/lib :: conifer and perl libraries for the plugins
- WSFPlugin/src :: java source code for the plugins
- HighSpeedSnpSearch/bin :: executables for HSSS
- HighSpeedSnpSearch/doc :: docs for HSSS
- HighSpeedSnpSearch/lib/perl :: perl libraries for HSSS
- HighSpeedSnpSearch/src/c :: C src for HSSS
- HighSpeedSnpSearch/test :: tests for HSSS