Contains methods and data structures to simplify tagged text comparison, automatically builds confusion matrix. Supports html rendering, parsing from html or csv.
class allows you to parse general purpose HTML-like tagged corpuses using strings as types for tags.
var worker = new StringTagsWorker(
tagsNames: new[] { "Org", "Geo", "Per", "O" }
, undefinedTagName: "O");
var expected = worker.Parser.Parse("<Per>Jack</Per> finally visited <Org>McDonald's</Org>, then was sent to the <Geo>Hospital</Geo>.");
var actual = worker.Parser.Parse("<Per>Jack</Per> finally visited <Per>McDonald's</Per>, then was <Org>sent</Org> to the Hospital.");
var report = actual.Tags.CompareTo(expected.Tags, TagsMatchers<string>.Strict, worker.Values, worker.Undefined);
Act\Exp Org Geo Per O
Org 0 0 0 1
Geo 0 0 0 0
Per 1 0 1 0
O 0 1 0 1
All 1 1 0 1
***************** Org:..............0,33333
***************** Geo:..............0,00000
***************** Per:..............0,66667
***************** Org:..............0,00000
***************** Geo:..............1,00000
***************** Per:..............0,50000
***************** Org:..............0,00000
***************** Geo:..............0,00000
***************** Per:..............1,00000
==============Matches count:..............0000001
***************** Org:..............0000000
***************** Geo:..............0000000
***************** Per:..............0000001
============Retrieved count:..............0000003
***************** Org:..............0000001
***************** Geo:..............0000000
***************** Per:..............0000002
=============Relevant count:..............0000003
***************** Org:..............0000001
***************** Geo:..............0000001
***************** Per:..............0000001
===========Mismatches count:..............0000003
***************** Org:..............0000001
***************** Geo:..............0000001
***************** Per:..............0000000
***************** O:..............0000001
Report renders metrics table and Confusion matrix.
Confusion matrix could give us information about matches and mismatches found during comparison. To get more information about matches and mismatches it is possible to render matches and mismatches:
var text = actual.ClearedText;
Console.WriteLine(report.RenderMatchesAndMismatches(t => text.Substring(t.Begin, t.End - t.Begin)));
'0 - 4, <Per:1> : Jack' <<>> '0 - 4, <Per:1> : Jack'
Expected <<>> Actual
'21 - 31, <Org> : McDonald's' <<>> '21 - 31, <Per> : McDonald's'
'54 - 62, <Geo> : Hospital' <<>> 'NULL'
'NULL' <<>> '42 - 46, <Org> : sent'
In case we want to work with types as enums there is a generic class called EnumsTagWorker<TType>
that contains lots of boilerplate implementaion configurable by generic parameter.
enum Type { O, Org, Geo, Per }
class EnumWorker : EnumsTagWorker<Type>
public EnumWorker() : base(
undefinedValue: Type.O,
valuesComparer: (t1, t2) => t1.CompareTo(t2))
Types.Add("Location", Type.Geo);
Protected member EnumsTagWorker<TType>.Types
contains mappings from string
to TType
so that we can parse input in more flexible way.
Example from previous section could also be implemented using enum-based approach:
var worker = new EnumWorker();
var expected = worker.Parser.Parse("<Per>Jack</Per> finally visited <Org>McDonald's</Org>, then was sent to the <Location>Hospital</Location>.");
var actual = worker.Parser.Parse("<Per>Jack</Per> finally visited <Per>McDonald's</Per>, then was <Org>sent</Org> to the Hospital.");
var report = actual.Tags.CompareTo(expected.Tags, TagsMatchers<Type>.Strict, worker.Values, worker.Undefined);
var text = actual.ClearedText;
Console.WriteLine(report.RenderMatchesAndMismatches(t => text.Substring(t.Begin, t.End - t.Begin)));
will be correctly interpreted as tag with type Type.Geo
Out will be the same.