Copyright (c) 2013, Dmitri Russu RJson return compact recursive data Array or Object Array by Algorithm Dmytro Dogadailo
How begin to use PHP RJSON example:
$data = //Your recursive Array data;
$pack = RJson::pack($data);
$unpack = RJson::unpack($pack);
How begin to use JavaScript RJSON example:
data = //jason packedge from php;
unpack = RJSON.unpack(data);
packAndSendToSerevr = RJSON.pack(unpack);
JavaScrip RJSON release from Dmytro Dogadailo.
RJson converts any Array data collection into more compact recursive
form. Compressed data is still JSON and can be parsed with JSON.parse
. RJson
can compress not only homogeneous collections, but any data sets with free
Below you can see initial form!
$data['data_process'] = array(
'template' => array('layers' => array(
'layer_id_one' => array('age' => 23,'name' => 'Robert', 'height' => 187),
'layer_id_two' => array('name' => 'Andre', 'age' => 24, 'height' => 188),
'themes_one' => array(
'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11),
'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12),
'themes_two' => array(
'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11),
'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12),
'designs' => array(
array('title' => 'Design_1', 'width' => 23, 'height' => 187),
array('width' => 24, 'title' => 'Design_2','height' => 181),
'id' => 7,
'tags' => array('php', 'javascript', 2013, null, false, true),
'users' => array(
array('first' => 'Homer', 'last' => 'Simpson'),
array('first' => 'Hank', 'last' => 'Hill'),
'library' => array(
array('title' => 'RJSON-php', 'author' => 'Dmitri Russu', 'year' => 2013),
array('title' => 'JavaScrip RJSON', 'author' => 'Dmytro Dogadailo', 'year' => 2012))
RJson result compact json or one compact php array():
RJson ENCODED Packedge
[{"author":"Dmitri Russu","title":"RJSON-php","year":2013},
[3,"Dmytro Dogadailo","JavaScrip RJSON",2012]],
You make a call class with one simple single tone request
$data = array(
'projects' => Db_Model_Projects::findAllProjects($returnArrayRows),
'settings' => Db_Model_Settings::findAllSettings($returnArrayRows),
'pages' => Db_Model_Pages::findAllPages($returnArrayRows)
$compactArrayPackedge = RJson::pack($data);
$compactJsonFormatPackedge = RJson::pack($data, $json = true);
$compactJsonFormatPackedge - this packedge you can send to Ajax request Where can make unpack with Js library
* <scrip language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" >
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": 'index.php?action=getData',
"success": function(data) {
packedge = RJSON.unpack(data);
//Send packedge to server
packedge = RJSON.pack(data);
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"data": data,
"url": 'index.php?action=saveData',
"success": function(result) {
RJson is a good practice to use on your Applications which make requests at server for obtains a big data
to client Application.