This is a Python package that simulates Bovine TB spread amongst herds and badgers. It uses the Mesa package for implementing an Agent based model. This code is experimental and for research purposes only. Code may be subject to significant change.
Times are given in days since each step is a day.
- mean_stay_time - mean time in a herd
- mean_inf_time - mean infection time
- mean_latency_time - mean latency time when not infectious
- cctrans - cow-cow transmission prob
- bctrans - badger-cow transmission prob
- infected_start - how many cows to infect at start
- mean_inf_time - mean infection time length before death
- mean_stay_time - mean time on farm
- seq_length - sequence length for simulating strains/mutations
- herd_class - type of herd
If you want to try this out, the easiest way is to install with pip:
pip install -e git+
In Python you can run the model as follows:
from btbabm import models
from btbabm import utils
model = models.FarmPathogenModel(F=30,C=800,S=10,mean_inf_time=20,mean_stay_time=150,
#run 100 steps
for s in range(100):
#equivalent code with progress bar
#get state data
df = model.get_column_data()
#get data for infected animals
df = model.get_infected_data()
#plot the grid/network
There is a panel dashboard for experimenting with the model. It can be run by executing the