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Bachelor's Thesis: The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies

This repo contains the source code, which I have used for my bachelor's thesis when creating my own composite indicator: The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies.

My thesis can be read here and please feel free to contact me if needed. Any corrections or suggestions may (and probably even will!) be done.

My website

As a small exercise (before I even started with my work) I have created (BTW. you will need to look for the code as the link inside is wrong).

There are two branches. The master branch is the default one. However, what I have handed to the university is located under pro_odevzdani. This is also much more polished one e.g. from the unused comments, mess etc.

rJava Installation

The installation process (on Ubuntu) is quite pathetic. So take a long breath and submit problems to To make rJava work, use Google and stackoverflow.

Always install official java 8 from oracle and less official "openjdk-8". Don't forget to run R CMD javareconf (-e) too! Maybe this will also help

Or, at last use some other packages too:


To quote me, please consider using:

Dmitrij Petrov (Jun. 2015), The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies, Bachelor's Thesis, Reutlingen University


@mastersthesis {petrov15,
    type    = {Bachelor's Thesis},
    author  = {Dmitrij Petrov},
    title   = {The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies},
    school  = {Reutlingen University},
    year    = {2015},
    url     = {},
    month   = {6}


Full copyright on text! No exceptions will be ever made.

Partial on code, which is under Apache License 2.0

In the case you still have questions on the usage, contact me please. Nevertheless, you must always quote me!