Welcome to Madlibs Against Humanity, a place where users can create and review madlibs, and search based on category.
- This will host a sign up and login button for the users to register and login. Ideally we will have a wheel of the top 15 madlibs displayed for the user to see but not participate in until logged in.
- Logged in users will be able to create a madlib adding blanks whenever they would like and marking each 'blank' with a word (type)
- Once a user is logged in they have the choice to create or do madlibs, once they complete a madlib, they can review it with a 1-5 star rating, this will place said Madlib higher or lower on the list of madlibs from that category
- A user will also have the ability to view there own created madlibs with the current ratings as well as edit, or update them.
- Duncan Murchison
- Mike Hollander
- Naran Ivanchukov
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Express.js
Front End:
- React.js
- Axios
- Redux
- Sass