A web based photo gallery powered by Postgres and Spring.
See http://www.chotchki.us/pggallery and the milestone list here
Setup an installation of PostgreSQL 9.1
- For linux "apt-get install postgresql-9.1"
- For windows goto postgresql.org, download and run their installer.
Create a database superuser, for example "pgGallery-admin"
- Run "createuser -d -P -s -h YOUR_DB_HOST pgGallery-admin"
- Set the password to something strong and random, this will be an admin db account.
Create the actual database.
- Run "createdb -h YOUR_DB_HOST -U pgGallery-admin -O pgGallery-admin pgGallery "The pgGallery database."
Check out the code from GitHub
- Create a directory to hold the web code, for example "c:\temp\pgGallery" or ~/pgGallery
- git clone git://github.com/chotchki/pgGallery.git into that directory
Edit the Jetty config in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml file.
- Edit all the host, user and password fields to match what you created above.
Ensure you have GraphicsMagick installed. The installer will not complete without it.
- The binary must be on your PATH. To check open a command prompt and run "gm". If it runs successfully you are good.
Ensure you have Maven installed.
Start the site.
- mvn jetty:run
We are on Google Groups and the support address is pggallery@googlegroups.com.
Rights ANON - Can view public albums GALLERY_READONLY - Can view private albums GALLERY_COMMENT - Can comment on albums GALLERY_EDIT - Can add/delete/modify photos/albums
USER_REGISTERED - Just signed up, cannot do anything
USER_NORMAL - Entry level
USER_ADMIN - Can edit other users