A starter kit to build websites using Nunjucks a rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript.
- 🐛 Framework free
- 🐙 CMS free
- 🐝 Minimal CSS
- 🐬 Block based templating
- 🌈 Optimised for accessibility, speed and search engines, - Lighthouse report
Prerequisite | How to check | How to install |
Node.js >= 10.0 | node -v |
nodejs.org |
gulp >= 4.0.0 | gulp -v |
npm install -g gulp |
Install Node dependencies (Gulp 4.0.2, Nunjucks and a few others)
npm install gulp --save-dev
Edit gulpfile.js
for varibales such as folder names
gulp dev
for development
gulp build
for production (builds to /docs)
cd docs && npx serve
to see built files locally
cd docs && npx serve
Uses cypress.io and test are located in cypress/integration/tests
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
or via the command line
$(npm bin)/cypress run
or via npm via this method
npm run test
Command line:
npm run testCmd
This has been set up for deploying tpo GitHub pages but it's static so there are many options
This uses a few libraries and open-source plugins, all MIT licensed. Apart from maybe the cookie notice (local law permitting) none are essential and can be removed.
- JavaScript Cookie v2.2.0
- Validate.js - A lightweight form validation script.
- PhotoSwipe- JavaScript gallery, no dependencies
NOTE: this site uses Plausible.io for analytics (which doesn't place a cookie on the user's machine) so the cookie JS is not being used in this build (although it's commented out if you wish to see how this might work)
Based on improvements from this CSS Tricks article
- Creation of workspace file
- Custom Workspace icon -
then paste image - Launch terminal commands when opening a project
e.g.gulp dev
run once in Terminal >> Run task - Exclude .css files from global search in
:"search.exclude": { "**/*.css": true }
npm run build-sheets
ruby update_data.rb
gulp data
Uses a google spreadsheet to manage site data, this is pulled down via gulp data
(part of the build process). A ruby script update_data.rb
is used to transform the CSV into JSON files
Site data
set global = data.site[0]
In files
Gallery images
for gallery in data.gallery
There are some site variables that should be edited away from the boilerplate defaults
- Change site vars -
- Site name -
- Update social images in
- Update form endpoint in
- currently using Formspree - Add your own analytics in
- There is a little service worker in
that caches the main files and serves them up if there is no network access
Meta description (this also changes the twitter and facebook share text)
shortDesc = "Blah blah blah"
Body class - set bodyClass = "jw-gallery"
Page title - set pageTitle = "Gallery"
I've created a bunch of custom macros (reusable chunks of content - see Nunjucks guide)
- Hero block -
- Text block -
- Text block (with some extra padding) -
- Full width image block -
- Call to action block -
- Map block -
- Modal block -
These macros will take a series of parameters, for example image path, title, link to mardown file, classname etc. See src/index.html
for examples and syntax order
Hero macro - hero('path/to/image.jpg', 'path/to/image-large.jpg', 'Block title', 'Block content', 'class')
Text macro - text('#backgroundcolor', 'alignment', '#blockcolor', 'path/to/image.jpg', 'path/to/image-large.jpg', 'Block title', 'markdown.md', 'class')
Social macro (used in the footer) - social('instagram', 'twitter', 'github', 'email', 'phone')
juckWonder is licensed under MIT license.