This Play 2 plugin provide helpers for HTTP Authentication.
There are 2 ways to use Basic Authentication:
- Providing the list of username->password pairs (both in plain-text).
- Providing an check function which will be called with the given informations.
The Digest Authentication allows to check if 2 passwords are equals, but it need the plain-text password (by design). Thus this helper can only be called with a username->password list.
Configure a new resolver:
resolvers += "HTTP Authentication" at ""
Add the library dependency:
libraryDependencies +="play.modules.httpauthentication" %% "play-2.0-http-authentication-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
import play.modules.httpauthentication.HTTPAuthentication
object BackOffice extends Controller with HTTPAuthentication {
* Invokes the authentication procedure.
* It provides the valid user object to the given action, instead of a Map.
def Authenticate(action: User => Result)(implicit request: Request[Any]): Result = {
BasicAuthentication(Map("realm" -> "Back Office")){ auth =>
User.findAndCheck(auth("username"), auth("password"))
def index = Action { implicit request =>
Authenticate { implicit user =>
def logs = Action { implicit request =>
Authenticate { implicit user =>