This is a plugin
for lualine.nvim
with additional components.
This is not a plugin for neovim. This is a plugin for plugin for neovim ㋡.
So, it's reasonable to install it as dependency for lualine.nvim
dependencies = {
{ 'dokwork/lualine-ex' },
{ 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
{ 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' },
use {
requires = {
{ 'dokwork/lualine-ex' },
{ 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
{ 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' },
It may be reasonable to use particular tag to avoid breaking changes.
Every provided component has additional options:
-- The function or boolean to check is the component enabled or not:
is_enabled = true
-- The color for the disabled component:
disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' }
-- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' }
-- The different default for the option:
draw_empty = true
This plugin introduces a new disabled
state. This state means that a component is not active, but
an icon still should be shown with disabled
color. The difference between cond = false
and the
is_enabled = false
is that in the first case a component will not be rendered at all, but in the
second case only the icon with disabled_color
will be shown.
You may try every component from this repo in the separate nvim instance. To do this run in terminal:
make demo component=<component name>
Where the <component name>
is the same string as should be used in the
lualine configuration. For example: ex.cwd
Also, it's possible to pass a custom component options to the demo:
make demo component=<component name> component_opts='<json object>'
The <json object>
should correspond to the lua table with component options.
For example:
make demo component=ex.cwd component_opts='{ "depth": 1 }'

Most of the components use icons from a patched nerd font by default.
This simplest component shows an actual status of the vim.wo.spell
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- The color for the disabled component:
disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' }
-- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' }
= /Users/dokwork/.local/share/nvim/lazy/lualine-ex
This component shows the last depth
directories from the working path:
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- The count of directories from the current working path, if > 0 then parts will be taken from
-- the end of the path, or from the start if {depth} < 0:
depth = 2,
-- The prefix which should be used when {depth} great than 0 and less than directories in the
-- path:
prefix = '…'
-- The count of symbols in the `cwd` after which the reduction algorith will be applied:
-- if it > 0 and < 1 then it will be calculated as {max_length} * {vim.o.columns} for
-- {laststatus} == 3; and {max_length} * {vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0)} for {laststatus} ~= 3;
max_length = 0.2
Reduction algorithm
The absolute value of the {depth} will be decreased until the length of the path becomes less then {max_length}.
This component shows the current cursor position in configurable format. Comparing to the default
component, this component can show total number of lines, and may be flexibly configured.
pattern | example |
'%2C:%-3L/%T' |
![]() |
'%3L:%-2C' |
![]() |
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- The pattern to show the cursor position. Here three possible specifiers:
-- 'L' means 'line' - the number of the line where is the cursor now;
-- 'C' means 'column' - the number of the virtual column where is the cursor now;
-- 'T' means 'total' - the total count of lines in the current buffer;
-- Every specifier can be used in similar maner to %d in the {string.format} function.
-- The pattern similar to the default 'location' component is '%3L:%-2C'
pattern = '%2C:%-3L/%T'
This component shows the progress in the file. It has two pre-build modes: 'percent' and 'bar'. The first
one is similar to the default progress
component, but in the second 'bar' mode the progress is
shown as a progress bar.
mode | example |
'percent' |
![]() |
'bar' |
![]() |
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- How to show the progress. It may be the one of two string constants:
-- 'percent' or 'bar'. In the 'percent' mode the progress is shown as percent of the file.
-- In the 'bar' mode it's shown as the vertical bar. Also, it can be a table with symbols
-- which will be taken to show according to the progress, or a function, which receive three
-- arguments: the component itself, the cursor line and total lines count in the file.
mode = 'percent',
-- This string will be shown when the cursor is on the first line of the file. Set `false`
-- to turn this logic off.
top = 'Top',
-- This string will be shown when the cursor is on the last line of the file. Set `false`
-- to turn this logic off.
bottom = 'Bot'
This component shows a filename
: a file name and a path to the current file relative to the
current working directory. The filename
has a prefix, which shows a file's place in the file
system relative to the cwd
File path relative to cwd |
Options | Component example |
inside cwd |
![]() |
outside cwd |
external_prefix = "/..." |
![]() |
outside cwd , but inside $HOME |
![]() |
Some path may be very long and takes significant part in the statusline. It's possible to specify the {max_length} of the filename. To achieve that the follow algorithm is used:
- every part of the path is shortened till the {shorten.length} except parts from the {shorten.exclude} list;
- then the {shorten.length} will be repeatedly decreased until 1 or until the {max_length} will be achieved;
- if it's not enough then the {exclude} setting will be ignored and all parts will be shortened;
- if the result is still longer than {max_length} than only the file name will be used with the prefix {filename_only_prefix}.
Example of the shortened filename with follow options { shorten: { length = 3, exclude = { 1 } } }
The {max_length} may be a number, or a function which receives the current component value and returns a number:
- Every value less than 0 means that the filename never should be shortened;
- Zero means that filename should be always shortened;
- A value more or equal to 1 represents a length, after which the filename should be shortened;
- A value between 0 and 1 represents a fraction of the current window width if the {laststatus} == 2, or a fraction of the terminal width.
Default configuration:
-- The prefix which is used when the current file is outside cwd
external_prefix = nil,
-- The prefix which is used when the length of the filename after shortening
-- is longer than {max_length}
filename_only_prefix = '…/',
-- The max length of the component value. It may be a number or a function.
-- If it's function, then it will be invoked with actual value, and should
-- return a number:
-- < 0 - never shorten;
-- 0 - always shorten;
-- > 0 and < 1 - shorten when longer than {max_length} * {vim.o.columns}
-- for {laststatus} == 3;
-- and shorten when longer than
-- {max_length} * {vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0)} overwise;
-- >= 1 - shorten when longer then N symbols;
max_length = 0.3,
-- The configuration of the shorten algorithm.
shorten = {
-- The count of letters, which will be taken from every part of the path
length = 5,
-- The list of indexes of filename parts, which should not be shortened
-- at all (the file name { -1 } is always excluded)
exclude = nil
component doesn't provide options to show file states,
because it is easily possible to do with standard approach:
-- readonly mode indicator example:
draw_empty = true,
icon = { '' },
cond = function()
return not
No git worktree | Worktree is committed | Worktree is changed |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
This component shows a name of a git branch for a current working directory. The color of this component depends on the state of the git worktree. The component can show different states of the git worktree:
means that at least one uncommitted change exists;committed
means that everything is committed, and no one tracked file is changed;disabled
means that thecwd
is not under git control.
Default configuration:
sections = {
lualine_a = {
icon = ' ',
-- The `git status` command is used to check the status of the worktree.
-- By default, it's run in background for performance purpose, but it could lead to
-- the wrong 'unknow' status at the first time. The `sync = true` can prevent it,
-- but it degrades startup time:
sync = false,
-- The colors for possible states:
colors = {
changed = { fg = 'orange' },
committed = { fg = 'green' },
-- The color for the disabled component:
disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' },
-- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' },
-- It can be a function which receive an actual component value, and should return a number;
-- or it can be a number:
-- * any number >= 1 is max count of symbols in the branch name
-- * a number between 0 and 1 means fraction of the {vim.o.columns}
-- for {laststatus} == 3, and fraction of the {vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0)}
-- in other cases.
-- When this option is defined, a component value will be cropped if it's longer then
-- a value of this property.
max_length = nil,
-- Follow options actual only if {max_length} is defined:
crop = {
-- The string which will be used instead of cropped part.
stub = '…',
-- The side from which a value should be cropped. It may be 'left' or 'right'.
-- If not specified, result depends on the component section:
-- 'right' for a|b|c
-- 'left' for x|y|z
side = nil
-- The {ex.crop} function is default {fmt} implementation.
fmt = ex.crop
No one lsp client:
is active:
This component shows a name and appropriate icon of the first active lsp client for the current buffer.
An icon and a color are taken from the icons
table or nvim-web-devicons
plugin (if it's installed).
If no one icon was found for the lsp client neither in icons
, nor in nvim-web-devicons
, the unknown
will be used. For the case, when no one server is run, the component is in disabled state and has
the lsp_is_off
An icon should be either a string or a table with following format: the [1]
element must be a string with
icon's symbol; the optional element color
should be one of: a name of a color, or a color in #RGB format,
or a table with fg
NOTE: the icon's property color
with the type of string for any icon from the icons
different meaning comparing to usual lualine
colors. It should be a name of a color not a
highlight group.
sections = {
lualine_a = {
icons = {
-- Default icon for any unknow server:
unknown = '?',
-- Default icon for a case, when no one server is run:
lsp_is_off = '',
-- Example of the icon for a client, which doesn't have an icon in `nvim-web-devicons`:
['null-ls'] = { 'N', color = 'magenta' }
-- If true then the name of the client will be ommited, and only an icon used:
icons_only = false,
-- The color for the disabled component:
disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' }
-- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' }
No one lsp client | Only lua_ls is run and active |
Both lua_ls and vimls are run, but only vimls is active |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
This component provides information about status of all run LSP servers. Every server has its own
color and icon, which can be taken from the option icons
or plugin nvim-web-devicons
(if it's
When some of already run servers is not active for the current buffer, it is in disabled state.
The component in disabled state has a color specified in the option disabled_color
If no one lsp client is run, the component shows only lsp_is_off
The ex.lsp.all
component has the same options as the ex.lsp.single component,
with few additional:
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- Extends options from the `ex.lsp.single`
-- If true then only clients attached to the current buffer will be shown:
only_attached = false,
-- If true then every closed client will be echoed:
notify_enabled = true
-- The name of highlight group which should be used in echo:
notify_hl = 'Comment'
You may double click by this component to stop all not used lsp clients.
Also, you can use the function to close not used clients outside the component
(see Tools > stop_unused_clients), or change the on_click
-- close on Ctrl+single click
on_click = function(clicks, button, modified)
if modified == 'c' and clicks == 1 then
This component shows names of the
null-ls sources according to the specified
By default, it shows names of all sources actual to the current buffer. All
duplicated names are merged.
sections = {
lualine_a = {
-- The table or function that returns the table with the source query.
-- By default it shows only actual sorces. To show all registered sources
-- you can use just empty table:
-- query = {}
query = function()
return { filetype = }
-- The string separator between names
source_names_separator = ',',
-- The color for the disabled component:
disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' }
-- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' }
No one source:
and the spell
sources are active for the current buffer:
🛠️ Tools
This plugin provide additional tools to help you create your own components. Read more details here: