Releases: domhnallmorr/NASTRAN_Reader
Added get_grid_coordinates method to BdfFile class.
Any fields that are a string data type now have trailing and leading whitespace removed.
Add handling for if 2nd line of pbeam is not provided (short field only)
Added support for CSHEAR card (short field only).
Added class variable "unsupported_cards" in an attempt to track any cards that were not processed.
Fixed blank line continuation marker bug.
For example, in the example below, the second line (+) is no treated as a blank second line. Previously it was ignored completely.
PBEAM 21010200 7401279 .6893 .1169 .5746 .004
YES 1. .6893 .1169 .5746 .004
Exception will now be raised if PCOMP in long field format is found.
Added PROD support (short field only).
Exception will now be raised if long field PSHELL is found (long field not support yet).
Added handling for continuation markers
In the example below, the second line of the PBEAM entry actually refers to the 3rd line, 2nd line is skipped as indicated by the continuation marker.
"PBEAM 2000003 2000004 9.5300012.1200012.12000 24.24000"
"+ YESA 1.0 7.2400007.6800007.680000 15.36000"
Handling for this is done at the end of the "get_card_lines" method.
Added handling for double precession character in real values.
for example "De+02" can be present and was previously causing an error when converting to a float.
The D is now removed.