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Project contains a cloth simulation written in C++/GLSL with minimal dependencies with a goal of understanding computer simulation and related subjects such as mathematical models behind simulations as well as numerical integration methods. Mathematical model behind this cloth simulation is a mass-spring model based on Newtonian mechanics with addition of external forces of gravity and wind acting on the cloth. Integration is done using Verlet integration method with variable timestep so damping force is adaptive to stabilize the simulation. Scene also contains a sphere that collides with the cloth as well as point light source and skybox. All physics computation is done on the CPU, but that could be transferred to GPU in the future.
Right arrow - moves sphere in positive x direction of a scene camera
Left arrow - moves sphere in negative x direction of a scene camera
Up arrow - moves sphere in positive z direction of a scene camera
Down arrow - moves sphere inn negative z direction of a scene camera
Right shift - moves sphere in positive y direction of a scene camera
Right control - moves sphere in positive y direction of a scene camera
W - moves camera in positive z direction of a scene camera
A - moves camera in positive x direction of a scene camera
S - moves camera in positive z direction of a scene camera
D - moves camera in positive x direction of a scene camera
Spacebar - moves camera in positive y direction of a scene camera
Left shift - moves camera in positive y direction of a scene camera