A p2p online chat Android App, can find nearby users based on GPS localization information. Alow add nearby users to contacts.
Account management:
1. Register with name,email and password, through Firebase-Auth
2. Login with email and password, through Firebase-Auth
3. Allow user choose a image profile, will stored in Firebase-Storage. If not choose, will use a defaut image profile.
4. Ask for collect GPS information athourity, and initialize localization data when register, stored in Firebase-ReatimeDatabase
Message mangement:
1. Load the recent connected user list, and contains user' image profile, lastest message and its time.
2. Can send and recieve text message as a chat APP should be. Load both users' image profiles, load message with sending time.
Contacts mangement:
1. Use an algorithm to calculate the distance by given two points' latitude and longtitude.
2. If distance is smaller than a certain threshold, the users will be load into a nearby list for check.
3. Allow current user add other users from nearby list to cantacts.
4. Allow current user choose other users in the contacts list to start a dialog.
1. Load a welcome Gif when login.
2. Load a loading Gif before find users near by.
3. Allow users refresh the lists by guesture (pull down).
4. Change the animation to make more smooth.
1. Add public post.
2. Add validation adding request.
3. Add email validation when register.(Actually almost finished this part)