I used one flash card app, but it's not free anymore so I decided that, I'm going to create an own one.
Software Design, Engineering and Full Stack development: Donát Fehér (Link)
- Very_simple_skeleton_php_8_mvc_framework (Link): This web app based on my php 8 MVC skeleton framework
- Bootsrap 4.5.2 (Link): The Bootstrap CSS framework used for fast website development
- Popper JS 2.5.3 (Link): The Popper used for easy moving elements and fast website development
- jQuery 2.5.3 (Link): The jQuery needed for the bootstrap and popperjs combinations
- SpeechSynthesisUtterance (Link): SpeechSynthesisUtterance API used for the TTS (text-to-speach) technology that reads digital text aloud at the Cards Flipping Page
- Pagination.js 2.1.4 (Link): A JavaScript library used for client-side pagination of data, providing easy and customizable pagination functionality.
- Pagination.js CSS (Link): The accompanying CSS stylesheet for Pagination.js, containing predefined styles for pagination elements.
- Font Awesome (Link): A popular icon set and toolkit used for adding scalable vector icons to websites and applications, enhancing visual appeal and usability.
- XAMPP (Link): A free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.