My first Mario clone in JavaScript
Try it:
- 0.3.6:
- Fixed 60 fps
- Goombas improvements
- Filename bugfixes
- Fixed jumping from mobile control
- 0.3.5: Mi sono scocciato di trovare nomi per le versioni
- Added ducking player movement
- Added fine jumping based on key pressure time
- Improved sprite sources importing
- Fixed lava sprite filename
- Fixed time interval for dead goombas to disappear
- 0.3.4: Salta che ti passa - parte 2
- Implemented Goombas
- Replaced Mario sprite from SMW to All-Stars SMB1
- Added SMAS-SMB1 overworld BGM
- Added pipes
- WASD controls restored, both WASD and arrows are available
- 0.3.3: Salta che ti passa - parte 1
- Animated Mario walking sprite
- Added platform width (thanks to Andrea Caruso)
- Created ButtonBlock class and menu.js
- Added NPCs (Peach, Goombas...)
- Peach (win scenario) fully implemented
- 0.3.2: Saltiamo al mio tre
- Fixed bug: infinite jumping
- Added constants to enable bouncing and hopping
- Fixed background positioning
- Added background functions for scrolling
- Changelog changed
- 0.3.1: Parallax la mia gioiax
- Mobile gestures improved again
- Added parallax backgrounds
- Pushed down floor level for death
- Improved collision function for floor
- Improved menu button
- Moved blocks z-order behind player
- Mobile gestures improved
- Restored touches instead of mouse for mobile
- The nth patch for mobile devices
- Another mobile test
- Added mobile controller (kinda)
- Fixed some mobile controls bugs
- Fixed bug: sometimes sprites not loads
- Fixed mobile control
- Cleaned code a bit
- 0.3: Come tutto ebbe inizio
- Added main menu to start the game
- Removed non-Mario assets
- Added some rough mobile implementations
- Code splitted in many new js files
- Improved win scenario
- 0.2.4: The floor is lava
- Completed lava block
- Added lava animated sprite
- Added Mario sprite (idle, walking, jumping)
- Asset loader moved to assets.js
- 0.2.3: Parsifichiamo il tutto
- Implemented level generation from js file
- Added favicon and title
- Moved game in MainGame function
- Added lava block (no sprite, still buggy)
- 0.2.2: Commit post-esame di Software Engineering
- Improved clearOutside function
- Improved background functionalities
- Fixed bug: crossing block while scrolling
- Added ground block
- Added fall death scenario
- Implemented player acceleration (commented, still buggy)
- Changelog created
- Version print on screen
- 0.2.1: Commit pre-esame di Software Engineering
- More code abstraction
- Created grid and grid system
- Fixed bug "little fall after fall" with more detailed functions
- Fixed bigger border problems
- 0.2
- Fixed air-jumping bug
- Reduced visible area
- Added scroll border thickness
- Minor fixes
- 0.1.2
- Added blocks
- Improved previous jumping rough implementation
- 0.1.1: Codice rimesso al passo delle modifiche su Altervista
- Imported images
- Player movements with arrows and not WASD anymore
- 0.1: Versione locale iniziale
- Code so close to a tutorial that I followed on YouTube