GRNsight v2.3.0 includes the following new features and bug fixes:
d3 visualization library was updated to v4
- It was determined that the move from v3 to v4 was feasible (#520)
- Transitioned GRNsight to d3 v4 (#523)
- Removed sliders for "Charge Distance" and "Gravity" since the combination of "Link Distance" and "Charge" sliders accomplishes the same functionality.
ESLint correctly applied to code base
- Found that ESLint was inconsistent between Mac and Windows developers (#535)
- Linting errors were fixed (#538)
Bug relating to edge weights were fixed
- Minimum weights have been normalize to zero instead of the smallest weight in the worksheet (#515)
- Edges that have the same weight value now render as thickest instead of thinnest edge thickness (#513)
Additional tests were added
- Syntactic tests for malformed GraphML XML (.graphml) files were completed which return errors to the user if an incorrectly formatted GraphML XML file is imported into GRNsight (#363)
Developer-related issues were resolved
- npm start procedure was fixed for Windows users (#521)