A Jekyll based CV page
Template based on this repo here: https://robhinds.github.io
- added image section for logo qr etc.
- added acclaim section and badge query
- added patents and publications sections
- added additional information structured section in addition to freetext section
- added optional status section to beginning to denote draft and status while updating
- added work exprience section for detailed project descriptions
- added status section for when draft etc is required to be displayed
- added converter docker with pandoc and latex for word and pdf drafts
- needs some automation for generic html to pdf/word use but works manually
- added 3d logo creation docker based on openscad
To make the GitHub hosted CV:
- Update /_config.yml with the details of the CV - the comments explain what is required
- Visit https://donnels.github.io to view results
- Share the CV with the world!
To test locally, install Ruby & Jekyll, clone the repository locally and run "jekyll serve" from the repo root directoy. OR Run a docker with Jekyll.