Experimental repo for building openscad files into different outputs. This is still work in progress but can already build a png and stl of each scad file in the opescad directories. See the online or pdf versions for the images as the readme is realy only the source and right now is not WYSIWYG!
Right now the github source is not perfect as the readme does not display the images when viewed in github.
❏ Add a readme in the directories or fix asciidoc to deal with asciidoc not showing in github
❏ Split the build scruipts to handle scad/plantuml/asciidoc in separate steps depending on changes
✓ The scad build already ony builds scad files that exist and is fed by find
❏ Feed with a list of changed scad files instead of the more simple find
❏ Add further process steps for the images like meshlabserver to do furhter processing:
Stuff (glass rendering, wireframe, mesh magic, stats, etc.)
✓ Need to add subdirectories to pool projects together
✓ build index for subdirs
✓ need to make the scad build fit to the subdir model
✓ add check for empty directory (no scad files)
✓ only build scad files and only run container with scad files (empties ignored)
❏ Add further optional scad steps
❏ Need to add view parameters as options
❏ Need to add animation options
✓ Need to add text display option for each item
❏ Allow adding photos to the objects or projects to show makes
❏ investigate including a js or similar stl viewer for html