Often there is a message in a chat asking to ask. This is a very poor way of getting help.
When you ask to ask,
- you are making chat more cluttered than it has to be.
- You are taking up time of the people that can help, to answer a question that is implied.
- Often, trolls ask to ask, which experienced helpers might ignore you for the chance of you being a troll.
- Most likely, you aren't providing anything to the conversation.
To properly get help. You just need to politely ask for help.
When you just ask,
- You'll save everyones time.
- Get quicker responses.
- Lower the chances of getting ignored.
To learn how to ask a good questons check these links out: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask and http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html