Notes is a simple tag-based note-taking app for the command line.
- Create notes with titles, bodies, and tags
- List all notes
- List notes by specific tag
- List all tags
- Search notes by tag
- Open notes in your default text editor
Notes uses subcommands for different operations:
- Create a note:
notes create -title "Note Title" -body "Note content" -tags "tag1,tag2"
- List all notes:
notes list
- List notes by tag:
notes list -tag "tagname"
- List all tags:
notes tags
- Search notes by tag:
notes tags -search "tagname"
: The title of the note (required)-body
: The content of the note-tags
: A comma-separated list of tags for the note
notes create -title "Meeting Notes" -body "Discussed project timeline" -tags "work,project"
: List entries for a specific tag
notes list -tag "work"
: Search entries by tag
notes tags -search "project"
Notes is licensed under the MIT software license.