Daily Boulders is a SPA which allows users to create/read/update/delete their daily climbing grades.
As a user, when signed in, I want to:
- be able to sign up.
- be able to sign in.
- be able to change my password and sign out when signed in.
- be able to create/log a day for my grade(s).
- be able to read/see my entries.
- be able to update my entries.
- be able to delete my entries.
- be able to use all actions without refreshing the page.
- be able to use the site without any bugs.
- Ruby, SQL, Rails
- Macbook Air
- Atom
- I started by planning on paper and read the requirements a few times before outlining all the steps in order that I would follow.
- Created one resource at a time
- Tested all CRUD
- Built the relation between the user and the climb.
- Tested the relationship.
- Tested the authorization and the CRUD together to make sure that the climbs were owned by their users on front end.
- Ordered Index action by date
- Finalized README.
- Deployed.
- Create a leaderboard where users can see the top daily/weekly/monthly entries of all users.