##crowdj ###- read Crowd-DJ... or however else you want to, I can't really force you
At it's heart, crowdj is a simple playlist that anyone can add to.
It was born out of our DJ system at the office: Whoever gets to the jambox first gets DJ duty. The problem with this is that you can't really listen to that awesome song you feel like listening to now!
In comes crowdj! I get DJ duty, I fire the application up and now the rest of the dev team doesn't have to always listen to my weird
musical tastes!
Also, this is my first venture into node.js! (just wanted to try it out, really)
###How do you use this? Assuming you have nodejs installed (see this for linux), all you have to do is:
node crowdj.js
And it will start a server on your localhost in port 8888.
The web interface can be accessed through http://localhost:8888/