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WebSharper Intersection Observer API Binding

This repository provides an F# WebSharper binding for the Intersection Observer API, enabling WebSharper applications to efficiently observe element visibility within a viewport.

Repository Structure

The repository consists of two main projects:

  1. Binding Project:

    • Contains the F# WebSharper binding for the Intersection Observer API.
  2. Sample Project:

    • Demonstrates how to use the Intersection Observer API with WebSharper syntax.
    • Includes a GitHub Pages demo: View Demo.


To use this package in your WebSharper project, add the NuGet package:

   dotnet add package WebSharper.IntersectionObserver




  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd IntersectionObserver
  2. Build the Binding Project:

    dotnet build WebSharper.IntersectionObserver/WebSharper.IntersectionObserver.fsproj
  3. Build and Run the Sample Project:

    cd WebSharper.IntersectionObserver.Sample
    dotnet build
    dotnet run
  4. Open the hosted demo to see the Sample project in action:

Example Usage

Below is an example of how to use the Intersection Observer API in a WebSharper project:

namespace WebSharper.IntersectionObserver.Sample

open WebSharper
open WebSharper.JavaScript
open WebSharper.UI
open WebSharper.UI.Client
open WebSharper.UI.Templating
open WebSharper.IntersectionObserver

module Client =
    // The templates are loaded from the DOM, so you just can edit index.html
    // and refresh your browser, no need to recompile unless you add or remove holes.
    type IndexTemplate = Template<"wwwroot/index.html", ClientLoad.FromDocument>

    // Function to observe an element's visibility changes
    let observeElement (targetBox: Dom.Element) =
        // Create a new IntersectionObserver instance with a callback function
        let observer = new IntersectionObserver((fun (entries: IntersectionObserverEntry array) ->
            printfn("for each")
            for entry in entries do
                // Log the observed element and its visibility status
                printfn($"Observed: {entry.Target}, isIntersecting: {entry.IsIntersecting}")
                if (entry.IsIntersecting) then
                    // If the element is visible, add the "visible" class
                    printfn("Add visible")
                    // If the element is not visible, remove the "visible" class
                    printfn("Remove visible")
        ), IntersectionObserverOptions(Threshold = 0.5))

        // Start observing the target element

    let Main () =
        // Select the element with the class "observer-box"
        let targetBox = JS.Document.QuerySelector(".observer-box")

        // If the element exists, start observing it
        if not (isNull targetBox) then

        // Initialize the UI template
        |> Doc.RunById "main"

This example demonstrates how to observe and react to changes in the visibility of an element using the Intersection Observer API in WebSharper.

Important Considerations

  • Performance Efficiency: Intersection Observer is optimized for performance, reducing the need for frequent polling.
  • Threshold Values: The threshold determines the visibility percentage required to trigger a callback.
  • Limited Browser Support: Some older browsers do not support the Intersection Observer API; check MDN Intersection Observer API for the latest compatibility details.


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