An online radio station browser with the ability to export a radio.txt file for use in Hiby digital audio players.
Sourcecode for
Hosts a database of Icecast stations so users can listen and add them to a custom list. Users can download the list in .txt format for use in a Hiby digital audio player.
- LOG_LEVEL = console and file log level: Defaults to INFO
- axios: 1.7.4
- compression: 1.7.4
- cors: 2.8.5
- dotenv: 16.4.5
- express: 4.19.2
- express-validator: 7.1.0
- he: 1.2.0
- helmet: 8.0.0
- mime-types: 2.1.35
- multer: 1.4.5-lts.1
- node-schedule: 2.1.1
- prom-client: 15.1.3
- pug: 3.0.3
- sqlite3: 5.1.7
- xml2js: 0.6.2
- @babel/core: 7.24.9
- @babel/preset-env: 7.24.8
- @open-wc/testing: 4.0.0
- @web/test-runner: 0.18.2
- @webpack-cli/generators: 3.0.7
- axios-mock-adapter: 2.0.0
- babel-loader: 9.1.3
- chai: 5.1.1
- clean-webpack-plugin: 4.0.0
- copy-webpack-plugin: 12.0.2
- css-loader: 7.1.2
- css-minimizer-webpack-plugin: 7.0.0
- jsdoc-to-markdown: 8.0.3
- jshint: 2.13.6
- mini-css-extract-plugin: 2.9.0
- mocha: 10.7.3
- terser-webpack-plugin: 5.3.10
- version-incrementer: 0.1.1
- webpack: 5.93.0
- webpack-cli: 5.1.4
- webpack-merge: 6.0.1