- On Air allows you to notify those around you when you shouldn't be disturbed
- Server installs on anything that can run Docker
- Client is anything with a browser or One Thing on macOS
- Version 1.1.1, be nice I'm a hobbyist
- For example:
- When you are recording a podcast
- When recording a youTube video
- When in a meeting at the office
- When on a Zoom meeting
- When you are studying
- When you are taking a nap
- When you just *##^$ just want to be left alone
- Check out
- admin view https://onair.64zbit.com/admin
- client view https://onair.64zbit.com
- There's only one session so others may interrupt you
- The server is in the America/Chicago timezone
- Works great on a Raspberry Pi
- Works great on any platform that can run a Docker container
- Written in Python 3 with the Flask Server and Socket.io
- Share this view with family and coworkers
- Ex. onair.local
- Displays the standby and session messages
- During a session the current time and session remaining time are displayed
- This url allows you to start and stop the session through the web interface
- Ex. onair.local/admin
- A stop and start button are displayed on the screen
- Settings to adjust messages and duration
* Here are the default time and messages which can be overridden with the api
* duration :120 minutes
* message :On Air
* standby :Stand By
* You can change these defaults by editing /onair_app/app.py
- The session screen shows the current time and the remaining time
- The remaining time is set from the duration tag
- All it does is count down, and then counts up once it reaches zero
- It is there just as a reminder to wind things up
- To make it easy to integerate with other workflows there is a simple api
* Ex. onair.local/start?duration=60&message=Busy&standby=Available
* onair.local:5000 :your server name and port
* /start :is the route to start the session
* ?duration=60 :sets the session duration to 60 minutes
* &message=Busy :sets the messsage displayed during the session
* &standby=Available :sets the message when the session ends
* Ex. onair.local:5000/stop
* onair.local:5000 :your server name and port
* /stop :is the route to stop the session
* Ex. onair.local:5000/status
* /status :is the route to get a text based status of the system
* Returns a string of the current status
* Easy to parse on MacOS and display in your menubar with a script and One Thing
* See the included onairstatus.sh bash script
* Ex. onair.local:5000/json
* /json :is the route to get the full json status of the system
* Returns a json object of the current status
* Must be parsed to determine the current status
* onAir == True, then in session, False then in stand by mode
* If False then other info is pretty useless
* If True than other info is acurate at the time of response
- These return json acknoledgments, you still have to click one of the above to see it work
- start the session
- (https://onair.64zbit.com/start
- stop the session
- https://onair.64zbit.com/stop
- start and set duration to 60 minutes
- https://onair.64zbit.com/start?duration=60
- start and set onair message to Busy
- https://onair.64zbit.com/start?message=Busy
- start and set standby message to Available
- https://onair.64zbit.com/start?standby=Available
- start and set all 3
- https://onair.64zbit.com/start?duration=60&message=Busy&standby=Available
- get the current status
- https://onair.64zbit.com/status
- get the full json current status
- https://onair.64zbit.com/json
- Browse to github/onair
- Scroll to find the latest release
- Click to download the Source Code zip or tar file
- Expand and move the onair folder to your local computer
- or
- Download with git
- Clone a repository
- Now follow the Docker instructions below to run the server
Browse to github/onair
Copy the link to the latest release
How to download the release from GitHub
curl -v -O -L https://github.com/dougpark/onair/archive/refs/tags/v1.1.tar.gz
To unzip and untar and place in the current directory
The project folder will be automaticaly created first
tar -xvsf v1.1.tar.gz -C .
Don't miss the final . after -C -
Now follow the Docker instructions below to run the server
- Install Docker
- Open a terminal window
- cd to the onair folder
cd onair
- start docker
docker-compose up -d
- on first run it will download all required files
- to stop the onair server type
docker-compose down
- now open a browser and go to your url port 5000/admin
- Ex. onair.local:5000/admin
- in a bash or zsh terminal
cd onair
- create python virtual environment
- source into the virtual environment
- pip to download all requied libraries
- to stop press
- in a bash or zsh terminal
- to start
cd onair
docker-compose up -d
- to stop
docker-compose down
- Any client that can run a browser
- Works great in a "browser as an app" like Unite
- A small Raspberry Pi with a built in touchscreen monitor works great as a table top display
- Works great on iOS when you 'Add to Home Screen'
- One Thing allows you to display one thing in the macOS menu bar
- One Thing
- See the included onairstatus.sh for an example
- Displays current session message on your menu bar
- Does not push to your client
- But you can poll frequently in your script for current status
- Can use Lingon X to schedule cron jobs on macOS, for example every 30 seconds
- Lingon X
- Create a series of shortcuts with your favorite messages and durations
- Create a series of bookmarks with your favorite messages and durations
- Setup your local DNS such as onair.local for easy discovery
- Theme your own color schemes, not everyone likes red and green
- Improve client UI/UX
- Handle simultaneous admin and display multiple messages
- Pull in data from other API's
- Current Temperature
- Current Air Quality
- Current status of smart home devices
- Forcast and other weather info
- Clock
- Calendar
- Multi-session mode with user authentication
- Integrate with Jason's e-ink display
- You get the idea