Supports multiple AWS accounts for isolation.
Copy the example tfvar files and edit as appropriate.
cp env_vars/dev.tfvars.example env_vars/dev.tfvars
cp env_vars/stage.tfvars.example env_vars/stage.tfvars
cp env_vars/prod.tfvars.example env_vars/prod.tfvars
ENV=dev make bootstrap
ENV=stage make bootstrap
ENV=prod make bootstrap
Once the backend has been created, the Terraform outputs will show the S3 bucket and DyanmoDB table that you can use in your infrastructure.
bucket = "dev-dozyio-eu-west-2-tf-state"
dynamodb_table = "dev-dozyio-eu-west-2-tf-lock"
These outputs can then be used as follows within your Terraform files
terraform {
required_version = "0.14.7"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "dev-dozyio-eu-west-2-tf-state"
dynamodb_table = "dev-dozyio-eu-west-2-tf-lock"
key = "dev/dozyio/eu-west-2/terraform.tfstate"
region = "eu-west-2"
encrypt = true
e.g. To bootstrap a uat environment, create a uat directory and uat.tfvars file and edit as appropriate.
mkdir uat
cp env_vars/dev.tfvars.example env_vars/uat.tfvars
$EDITOR env_var/uat.tfvars
ENV=dev make bootstrap-destroy
ENV=stage make bootstrap-destroy
ENV=prod make bootstrap-destroy
When destroying a bootstrap, an error will occur as per below.
Resource module.bootstrap.aws_s3_bucket.state_bucket has
lifecycle.prevent_destroy set, but the plan calls for this resource to be
destroyed. To avoid this error and continue with the plan, either disable
lifecycle.prevent_destroy or reduce the scope of the plan using the -target
This error is intended as a failsafe incase Terraform tries to delete the bucket. To delete the bootstrap bucket, change the following modules/bootstrap/
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
lifecycle {
#prevent_destroy = true
To view the Terraform plan of what would be created when bootstrapping, run the following.
ENV=dev make bootstrap-plan
Terrastrap has support for TFENV in as much as it checks for the TFENV binary.
If you're not using TFENV, the Makefile checks your version of Terraform. At time of writing this is pegged to version 0.14.7. To update, edit the Makefile and update the TERRAFORM_VERSION and md5 hash.
TERRAFORM:= $(shell command -v terraform 2> /dev/null)
ifeq ($(OS_X),true)
TERRAFORM_MD5:= $(shell md5 -q `which terraform`)
TERRAFORM_REQUIRED_MD5:= 952483b865874729a18cc6d00c664b8e
TERRAFORM_MD5:= $(shell md5sum - < `which terraform` | tr -d ' -')
TERRAFORM_REQUIRED_MD5:= 5f1471a95776c2b1d8b09ac15a15eb00