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Food Delivery Web Application

About :

  • This project was developed as a capstone project for a spring boot course I signed up for. Initially in collaboration. Later individually.

  • This project as the name suggests, is a scalable microservices food order and delivery application made for the sole purpose of learning how to implement a microservices based application.

Functional Features :

  • Individual App Dashboards for all stake holders Buyer, Restaurant and Delivery Agent.
  • Buyer
    • Is able to sign-up and login.
    • Is able to lookup restaurants in their city and order from them.
  • Restaurant
    • Is able to login in to their account.
    • Is able to Edit their food menu by adding, removing, editing their dishes.
    • Is able to see the current orders, see the delivery agent assigned and mark the orders as given to Delivery Agent when it is picked up.
  • Delivery Agent
    • Is able to login in to their account.
    • Is able to see the orders that have been placed, and have access to address of both parties to help them pickup and deliver at correct destinations.

Non Functional Features :

  • Implements a Scalable Microservices Based Architecture which utilizes the concepts like
    • Api Gateway implemented using Netflix Zuul Spring dependencies.
    • Service Discovery implemented using Netflix Eureka Spring dependencies.
    • Ribbon Load balancer implemented using Netflix Ribbon dependencies.
  • Below is the architecture diagram, which has been employed in this project.
  • For ease of use, it has been made docker compatible.

Local Deployment :

Easy Fixed Deployment ( without the need of any other environment setup ) :

Normal Deployment :

  • Pre-requisites
    • Docker Setup
    • Java JDK 1.8 setup
    • Java JDK 11 setup
    • Maven 3.5+ setup
  • Download or clone the project.
  • Build all the modules except Zuul-Gateway using maven command below. Make sure it uses JDK 1.8 for build.
    • mvn package spring-boot:repackage -DskipTests
  • Build the module Zuul-Gateway using maven command below. Make sure it uses JDK 11 for build.
    • mvn package
  • Run docker command below.
    • docker-compose up --build from the project directory.

How to use :

  • For Login and other persistent details check the MySqlDatabase/init.sql file
  • Login with a Buyer account, see the restaurants, click on one, set the quantity from menu and place order.
  • Login with the Restaurant account, see the orders, in that get the mobile number of Delivery Agent.
  • Use the above mobile number to get the credentials and login with Delivery Agent account.
  • Click on mark order is taken link in Restaurant portal for the particular order.
  • The status change will reflect on all three portals, after clicking on refresh.
  • Click on mark order is received link in Buyer portal for the particular order.
  • The status change will reflect again on all three portals on clicking refresh button.
  • Don't forget to explore other side features too.