A library to fetch data for React Components, which has most of the similar API with react-refetch. Different, it also supports more friendly way to use, like Hooks.
Supporting for react and react-native, based on Fetch’s API;
npm i react-decorate-fetch --save
yarn add react-decorate-fetch
is a very awesome project,it saved me a lot of time. I really like this way without setState to fetch data. Now, Hooks are growing in popularity, more projects use Hooks. So I write this library to supports Hooks, and Copy react-refetch
’s API to compatible my old Projects.
import { connect } from 'react-decorate-fetch';
function App(props) {
const { userFetch } = props;
return <Loading />
}else if(userFetch.error){
return <Error />
}else if(userFetch.success){
return <Success />
export default connect((props) => ({
userFetch: `/users/detail/${props.userId}`,
// use Decorator (need @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators)
@connect(mapRequestByOptions, defaultFetchOptions, options)
class App extends React.Component {};
// or not use Decorator
App = connect(mapRequestByOptions, defaultFetchOptions, options)(App);
(mapRequestByOptions:FetchOptions|Function => FetchOptions, defaultFetchOptions?:FetchOptions, options?: Object)
mapRequestByOptions:FetchOptions|Function => FetchOptions
A Function to map props to FetchOptions, if you don't need props, you can directly set FetchOptions, like:
connect({usersFetch: `/users`})
Default FetchOptions for connect Component, will be Object.assign into every FetchOptions
withRef options to ref connect Component like react-redux
(options:FetchOptions, deps?: any[]);useLazyFetch
(options:FetchOptions, deps?: any[]);
const APP = (props) => {
const fetchOptions = "/users";
const [fetchState, fetchUser] = useFetch(fetchOptions, []);
return <div>
? <div>Loading...</div>
: fetchState.error
? <div>Error: {fetchState.message}</div>
: <div>Value: {fetchState.value}</div>
<button onClick={() => fetchUser()}>Start Fetch</button>
const APP = (props) => {
const fetchOptions = "/users";
const fetchState = useLazyFetch(fetchOptions, []);
return <div>
? <div>Loading...</div>
: fetchState.error
? <div>Error: {fetchState.message}</div>
: <div>Value: {fetchState.value}</div>
If you want to config some Global options for all fetches, you will need some useful api to resolve it. It is not necessary, but is helpful.
fetchOptions: {
host: 'http://xxx.com',
headers: {}, //override default headers
buildResponse: (res) => {
// This is default response handle, you can override it.
if (res && res.json) {
return res.json().then((dataOrError) => {
if (res.ok) {
return dataOrError;
} else {
throw dataOrError;
} else {
return {};
transformPostParams: (params) => {
// This is default transform, you can override it.
return JSON.stringify(params)
}, // transform params Option
fetch: require('axios') // you can replace to any you like Fetch Api's library
const plugin = {
before: (context, next) => {
const options = context[0]; // the final fetchOptions
next(); // must call only once
after: (context, next) => {
const options = context[0]; // the final fetchOptions
let data = context[1]; // you can modify
next(); // must call only once
// ......
// you can add multiple plugins
You can set a function to FetchOptions's then
, and return a new FetchOptions.
You can set Mock data to FetchOptions's value
, you will receive the Mock data and no request real server.
based on Fetch API’s options, so you can use all Fetch API’s options, Tips: If FetchOptions is string
type, will be converted to {url: string}
, else if FetchOptions is an array, will be converted to [FetchOptions, FetchOptions, ...]
Property | Type | Description | Require | default |
url | String | The Fetch API’s url, if value is Static, it is not required. |
true | —— |
method | String | The Fetch API’s method | false | "GET" |
headers | Object | The Fetch API’s headers | false | { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } |
params | Object | Common params for different method |
false | {} |
successText | string | Custom fetch success text | false | "Success" |
refreshInterval | number | Interval in milliseconds to poll for new data from the URL, set 0 can stop request | false | 0 |
value | Function|Any | Static response’s value or function to transform the old response’s value | false | —— |
then | Function | [Chaining Requests](#Chaining Requests) | false | —— |
delay | Number | Fetch delay millisecond | —— | 0 |
cleanParams | Boolean | Clean undefined or null params | —— | true |
host | String | Define the host | false | —— |
postForm | Boolean | transform params to FormData |
false | false |
Support all other Fetch API’s options, like body
Property | Type | Description | default |
status | String | One of 'pending'|'loading'|'error' | 'pending' |
loading | Boolean | When fetching, that is true | false |
error | Boolean | When fetch error or throw Error, that is true | false |
success | Boolean | When fetch success, that is true | false |
code | Number | Http status code | —— |
message | String | FetchOptions ’s successText or error’s message |
—— |
value | Any | When fetch success, that is body |
null |
cancel | Function | If request is fetching, cancel it | () => {} |