Update prices and quantity on Amazon via Amazon Marketplace Web Service, without ever thinking about hexdigest and signature.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'kiss_amazon_mws'
If you don't have any secretes you might wanna sign up here.
mws_config = {
aws_access_key_id: "AKIAI4********",
secret_access_key: "ZNC+tV/****aZATR7cDW5+*********9FLdLMDQM",
seller_id: "A1XT*******MDM",
marketplace_id: "ATVP*******ER",
amazon_url: "mws.amazonservices.com"
data = [
['700000005', 10.15, 1],
['700000006', 15.65, 6],
['700000007', 14.12, 3]
If you want to change just prices, leave out the quantity:
data = [
['700000005', 10.15],
['700000006', 15.65],
['700000007', 14.12]
response = KissMWS.send_feed(data, mws_config)