Python utility to get Raspberry Pi metrics. This is an experimental utility, use at your own risk :)
This is just a very simple Python script using a http server to provide some Raspberry Pi metrics via REST calls, like temperature, load average and more.
The server will make a single endpoint available on the default port 8088
that will return a JSON like this:
"soc_temperature": 50.5,
"uptime": 18551.34,
"load_average": [0.0, 0.2, 0.1],
"kernel_release": "5.4.51-v7+",
"memory": {
"total_memory": 441416,
"free_memory": 90536,
"available_memory": 279512
wget -O - | sudo bash
You can download the files manually and run it the way you like. If you don't want Pi Monitor to run as a service you can just run as python3
If you're running it using the automatic installation you can change the username and default port in which Pi Monitor is running by changing the following settings on your pi-monitor.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/local/bin/ 8088
Before doing so, make sure to stop the service with
sudo systemctl stop pi-monitor.service
and then start it again after your changes with
sudo systemctl start pi-monitor.service
If you're running it manually you can just change the default port by sending it as a parameter like:
python3 8181
This was tested on Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit), kernel 5.4.51-v7+