Stress Testing the DMARC Reporting System: Compliance with Standards and Ways of Improvement. Replication code.
This repository contains the code used for generating the table 'Results of the Email Service Provider (ESP) measurements showing their adherence to specifications' in the article "Stress Testing the DMARC Reporting System: Compliance with Standards and Ways of Improvement"
The article will be published in the proceeding of the 20th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT'24).
The DOI and link to the article will be added here once the proceedings are published.
This repository does not contain the datasets.
You can download the zip file '' from the data repository : and unzipped the archive into the cloned repository.
git clone
cd dmarc-conext24
wget --content-disposition ''
Elaborate datasets and experiment descriptions are provided in the README file in the data
The requirements.txt file lists all the necessary libraries to run the Jupyter notebooks using Python version 3.8.10
Run the following command to install the python environment
python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note that the code is designed for a Unix-path environment.
The table is generated in the last cell of the Jupyter Notebook 'GenerateData.ipynb' You can either launch a jupyter-notebook server or run the following command :
jupytext --execute GenerateData.ipynb
The generated data and table can be found in the created folder 'results'. Although, the results can be found in the data repository.
You may also compile the LaTex document by running the following commands :
cd results
pdflatex generated_LaTeX_document.tex
As an example for the ESP Fastmail, each DMARC features can be evaluated as follows :
- F1 : Verify the presence of the DNS query : TXT
- F2 : Verify the presence of the authentication information in the Authentication-Results email headers received in Fastmail's inbox.
- F3 : Verify the presence of any aggregate reports towards
- F4 : Verify the presence of any failure reports towards
- F5 : Verify the presence of the DNS query : TXT
- F6 : Verify the presence of any aggregate reports towards in the control-domain.example inbox
- F7 : Verify the absence of any aggregate reports towards in the email-recevier-invalid-edv.example inbox
- F8 : Verify that aggregate reports towards email-sender-4.example are sent to redirectionRUA@email-receiver-overwrite.example instead of rua@email-receiver-overwrite.example
All those evaluations are made in the Jupyter Notebook GeneratedData.ipynb.