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A-JIE edited this page Nov 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

Using npm:

npm install angular-infinite-list --save

Import angular Infinite list module into your app module

import { InfiniteListModule } from 'angular-infinite-list';

  imports: [

Wrap Infinite list tag around list items

    (update)='event = $event'>
        <div *ngFor="let item of event?.items; let i=index;" [ngStyle]="event.getStyle(i)">
            item{{event.start + i}} : {{item|json}}

or directive usage
<div infinitelist [width]='"100%"' ...</div>

Higher performance usage

Because in the angular all the asynchronous operation will cause change detection.High-frequency operations such as the scroll event can cause significant performance losses.

So in some high-precision scenes, we can use rxjs Observable to solve. About angular asynchronous, change detection checks and zone.js. You can view it zone.js and change detection

set @Input [useob]='true' and use ChangeDetectorRef

You can switch to the Observable mode. of course, if your scene on the efficiency requirements are not high can not do so.

        <div class="li-con" *ngFor="let item of event?.items; let i=index;" [ngStyle]="event.getStyle(i)">
            item{{event.start + i}}
event: ILEvent;
constructor(private cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }
update($event: Subject<any>) {
    $event.subscribe(x => {
      	this.event = x;

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